Olave's Diaries - Index
Please read the explanitery note below.
1921 and 1925 were the first, so are "examples".
To come back to this Page, Click on Index
1900 1910 1 1920 12 1930 3 1940 5 1950 11 1960 x 1970 x
1901 0 1911 1 1921 1931 1 1941 5 1951 1961 x 1971 x
1902 1912 1 1922 1932 0 1942 4 1952 4 1962 x 1972 x
1903 1913 1 1923 1933 4 1943 1 1953 3 1963 x 1973 10
1904 10 1914 2 1924 1934 1944 x 1954 9 1964 x 1974 11
1905 5 1915 2 1925 1935 1 1945 6 1955 5 1965 x 1975 1
1906 1 1916 3 1926 9 1936 3 1946 1956 1 1966 x 1976
1907 1917 1927 6 1937 3 1947 1957 1 1967 x 1977
1908 2 1918 12 1928 5 1938 1948 1958 x 1968 x
1909 0 1919 12 1929 3 1939 2 1949 10 1959 x 1969 x
The number after the year is the number of months that have been transcribed - but NOT the number uploaded to this WebSite.
If no number, the year is complete.
If the year has "x", it has not yet been scanned.
Click for Guidelines for transcription
Click for People she mentions Olave's Family Tree
Click for Glossary of terms she uses
Click to check a U.K. address.
No clearer reasons for the recording of History have ever been enunciated than these words :
"We...have the benefit of a long and proud history. This not only gives us a trusted framework of stability and continuity to ease the process of change, but it also tells us what is of lasting value. Only the passage of time can filter out the ephemeral from the enduring. And what endures are the characteristics that mark our identity..."
Taken from the speech given by Queen Elizabeth II to both Houses of Parliament at the start of her Golden Jubilee celebrations, Westminster Hall, April 30th, 2002.
Olave kept a diary from 1900 until her death in 1977. The diaries are held in safe-keeping, and are currenty (2025) being scanned and transcribed, and the text is being posted here, month by month, starting in January each year, so the number following the date is the number of months completed, and where the number is not zero, the date is a Link you can click on to go to that Page. When a year is complete, there will be no number.
Months so far transcribed (out of over 900 total) - 550 - so more than halfway.
Not all are shown here - I am working on the others.
If you are willing to help transcribe, please click here
If you have a comment, explanation or relevant Link, please click here to send me an email. Please start with the diary date to which your suggestion applies