There was once a WebSite http://olavebadenpowell.worldguiding.net created by Sandy K. As the name suggests, the Olave B-P section was just part of a much larger exercise. Sandy wrote :-
It's not hero worship
Though it nearly started that way.
July 2003 - I've been very privileged to have the assistance of Jill Hogrefe, a member of Guides Queensland, in mining the archives of Guides Queensland. She loaned me, short term, the "most precious" Olave related items from the archives, for research purposes. Many of the items are letters personally written and signed by Olave; many Christmas cards addressed to Queensland Guiding; and many programs and some personally autographed photos. Copies of The Council Fire going back to the first issue. Photos. Books. Letters. Programs. And in the files references to film strips and taped interviews. So much material :) It makes me wonder what's in the archives of Guides all over the world? Anyone who has access to any other archives, and has material that they'd like to see on this site, please email me! Full credit to you and your Association.
Rest assured that the information on this site is very well researched, from original sources.
It all started when as webmaster for the Guides Australia site in 1997, I wanted to include a link to a site about Olave's life. There were none that I could find, yet there were several excellent, very detailed sites about BP. Wondering at the discrepancy, I delved into my Unit's cupboard and came up with a very brief pictorial life of Olave, and her autobiography, and began this website. The Olave I'm discovering was a very different woman from the one about whom my Guide life had taught me, and the vision she had of Guiding has several times kept me going when burnout seemed imminent! It's an interesting journey :)
Sandy K
Sandy later wrote:-
I have owned this site for about 7 years or so....
The time has now come for me to leave Guiding after more than 20 years as an adult member - unlike Lady BP who never left - as I move into another phase of my life. I have loved my time in Guiding and I leave with a light heart knowing I gave my best, most of the time. I have enjoyed developing this website and from the occasional emails I get, I think it's a valuable resource for people all over the world.
I announced to various Guiding lists last week that I was willing to give the site to someone who will keep it going, and after a few offers from several worthy people, have decided to give it to Di Watson, who has owned and run worldguiding.net for many years. I'm not sure what direction Di will take olavebadenpowell.org but I do know she has such a deep passion for Guiding, that the site will only get better!
Blessings to all -
So that WebSite was taken over and given a new lease of life by Di Watson under a different name, www.olavebadenpowell.org.
Di posted that message - and you may still be able to find this in the Archives at http://web.archive.org/web/20080406072036/http://www.olavebadenpowell.org/olavebp/sandymessage.htm.
Di then added her own message:-
As the new webmaster to this site, the endeavor is to keep Sandy's work alive and growing. Please send any clips or stories you have in regards to Olave Baden-Powell.
Unfortunately, Di, too, had difficulty keeping the Site going, with all her other commitments (and the costs), and eventually it disappeared from the Internet.
But we feel that Olave B-P deserves a tribute WebSite. Unable now to contact Di, we have taken the liberty of gleaning from the Archives as much as we have been able to of the material that she had gathered on O.B-P, and it is now presented here. Her contributions (which include those of Sandy K) are shown throughout in bold purple italics. Unfortunately, few images made it.
The original files, as downloaded, can be found in the "Sandy's O.B-P" folder here.
THIS WebSite does not present the same "cost" implication, as it is FREE - except that YOU have to pay for it by way of putting up with the ads ! The Provider is paid by the advertisers on a "per click" basis, so - if you want to help to keep this WebSite going, now and again click on one of the ads - that's all, and costs you nothing !
We hope this is a price you are prepared to pay, to ensure that this Tribute remains after we have gone. (We hope!)
We should repeat that the original WebSites run by Sandy K and by Di Watson only held this "O.B-P Tribute" as a small part of a very much larger WebSite of very great relevance to Guiding, particularly to Australian, and to Queensland. We mourn their passing.