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A set of core skills are developed through feedback and evaluation. All skills are fully transferable to any workplace activity or social function.


There are no exams, tests or time limits, members are encouraged to learn at their own pace through a series of steps to meet their specific needs.


  • Mean what you say
    • make sure your message gets across
  • Speech construction
    • to develop easy to follow logical flow
  • Gestures
    • to enhance with appropriate gestures; remove distracting movements
  • Use of voice
    • varying of pitch,pause and pace to add interest
  • Vocabulary and word pictures
    • add colour and texture to make words memorable
  • Use of notes
    • how best to use notes and prevent distracting paper shuffles
  • Use of humour
    • Find a type of humour that suits you, make it pertinent and relevant
  • Audience rapport
    • Keeping the audience with you throughout
  • Timing
    • Learn to deliver speeches to times allotted


For those who need more, then emphasis can be put on such things as visual aids and the use of technology within presentations.




Greater details on the above activities are contained in the Speakers Guide produced by the Association of Speakers Clubs and available to all members.



Few skills impact on your life more positively than the ability to speak in public

The ASC where you become a better speaker, better presenter and better leader

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