Supplement 8 – Mourners present at the funeral service held for Betty St. Clair Clay
Rev. John Angle conducted the service at The Church of St. John the Baptist, North Cheriton on Wednesday, 5th May 2004. Rev. Graham Owen led the prayers. Mr. John Matthew was the organist,. Mourners included:
Rev. John Angle conducted the service at The Church of St. John the Baptist, North Cheriton on Wednesday, 5th May 2004. Rev. Graham Owen led the prayers. Mr. John Matthew was the organist. Mourners included (in order of arrival):
Mr. M. J. Gent;
Jane Dixon-Clarke;
Simon Readhead (Great-nephew by marriage);
Mary and Ian MacDonald-Watson (Niece by marriage);
George and Libby Renwick;
Carol Watney;
Susie Clay (Daughter in law);
Ewart and Daphne Schofield (Grand-daughter);
Berry Schofield (Great grandson);
Ossian Schofield (Great grandson);
Eric Clay (Grandson);
Alexandra Fink;
Janet Angle;
Ruth Sara (Chief Commissioner, South West England, Girl Guides);
Jean Eburne (President, South West England, Girl Guides);
Marjore Hayter;
Rachel Clay (Grand-daughter-in-law, also rep. Toby Clay (Grandson));
Jessica Blooman;
Mrs. Ann Beable;
Mrs. Brenda Bickerton;
Marion Hollick;
Audrey and Denis Smith (Scouting);
Jill Heatlie;
Rev. Norman Green;
Lord and Lady Baden-Powell (Nephew);
Paul Moynihan (Headquarters Scouts, Somerset Scouts);
Peter Bourner (Headquarters Scouts, Somerset Scouts);
Robin Clay (Son);
Caroline Jollands (Cousin by marriage, also rep. The Family);
Pam Genton (Castle Cary District Guides);
Liz Bowyer (Castle Cary District Guides);
Beryl Griffin (Wincanton and Castle Cary Trefoil);
Joan Smith (Wincanton and Castle Cary Trefoil);
Neils Kraunsoe;
David Theobald (Ringer);
Beverley Osborne;
Charlotte Christ-Weber;
Jane Jeanes (Divisional Commissioner for Cadbury);
Mary Bassett (Elliscombe Park);
Anthea Illingworth (Elliscombe Park);
Sheila Pemberton (Elliscombe Park);
Samantha Desmond (Elliscombe Park);
Gareth Davies (County Commissioner for Somerset and also rep. The Lord Lt. Lady Elizabeth Gass);
Mrs. R. Freeland (Elliscombe Park);
Mr. J. R. W. Parker (Elliscombe Park);
Ian Browne (Elliscombe Park);
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Clay (Brother-in-law);
Mr. Robert Clay (Nephew by marriage);
Daisy Wyatt;
Nell Brostrom;
Chris Jones (District Commissioner);
Mr. G. Clay (Widower);
Yvette Bowler (Carer);
Maud Peacocke;
Michael Clay (Cousin by marriage);
Sue Everett;
Kay Black;
Suzanne Dutch;
Nicola Elam;
Peter Divall (Yeovil District Scouts);
Gemma Divall (Yeovil District Scouts);
George Purdy (Chief Scout);
Jenny Leach (Chief Guide);
Denise King (Chief Executive Guides Association);
Derek Twine (Chief Executive Scouts Association);
John Asplin (Chairman of the Scouts Association);
Edith Webb (Somerset County President Guides);
Janet Tilley (rep. Guiding Somerset, Retired County Commissioner);
Robin and Bridget Fairlie (Cousin by marriage);
Jeremy and Susan Clay (Cousin by marriage);
Jenny Necker;
Delia Cuckney;
Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Spencer (Elliscombe Park);
Mrs. Jill Turner (also rep. Diana Hopcroft);
Mrs. Heather Catchpole ( Mr. Brian Catchpole, Mrs. Clare Simmonds and Pat Morrant),
Nigel Baden-Clay (Son);
Lady Farrington (also rep. The family);
Mrs. B. Rowe (also rep. The family);
Gill and Bill Clay (Daughter);
The Very Revd and Mrs. R. Wingfield-Digby;
Dinnis Neal (also rep. Frances);
Debra Fox (nee Winter);
Mrs. Jeannette Jenkins (Carer);
Jenny Hearne (Elliscombe Park).