1233131211 Anthony
Anthony Charles was born in Banstead, Surrey, on 21 September 1938, the second child of Charles John Jervis and his wife Patricia (Agnes) Chapman.
While at school, Anthony became interested in wild birds, and made some cine films. Upon leaving school. Anthony's father - who was "something in the City" - persuaded Anthony to follow in his footsteps, but after "giving it a go" for five years, Anthony gave up that job and joined the RSPB, based in Sandt, Bedfordshire, where the rest of his career was spent - making films of wild birds.
In Q3 1966, aged 28, Anthiny married Elizabeth Hurrell in Cambridge. They had two children,
Charles James born Q1 1069 in Cambridge
Diana Jane born Q2 1971 in Cambridge. She married ? Butterworth, and they have ???
Anthony's Filmography includes these films; not all were filmed in Britain, and this list is not complete
An introduction to bird and wildlife photography
After the Torrey Canyon
Farming with wildlife( Visual )
Avocets return( Visual )
Look again at garden birds
The Call of the Running Tide
Migration Mystery Tours
The Partridge Puzzle
Look again at Gulls
A World Within Itself
Birds of the Grey Wind
Flying birds
See also the WorldCat
Elizabeth Hurrell
Elizabeth was born in 1944, the ? daughter of ? and ?
When she married Anthony, his youber sister was Elizabeth, so thereagter Anthony's wife was known in the family as "Flo"
There house was "The Old School", and the gable faced the road with a space between it and the low boundary wall. The wall had a magnificent Wisteria growing up it; Anthony's study was at the far end of the house.
One morning at breakfast, she said "I'm going to prune that Wisteria if it kills me !" She fell off the ladder, and was found on the ground some hours later by a passer-by. She died the following day.
She was cremated in Cambridge at 12:00 on Friday 30th August, and there was a Thanksgiving Service in the Church at Longstowe at 12:00 on 6th September 2013, at which the Revd. Nigel H.A. Pearson gave this address.
Her son Charlie Clay followed with his own tribute to his mother.