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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 27/04/2011.

BioAction - The Plan

The Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Plan was launched in November 2002.

This is based on opportunities for action within four broad categories of habitats: 

farmland and grassland

montane, heath and bog

wetland and water 


In this way, it pays heed to national priorities, but also emphasises the value of conserving locally important species and habitats. This means, for example, that work to benefit birds includes both action linked to scarce and iconic species, such as black grouse, and commoner ones such as seed-eating finches and swifts. You can find out more about the plan and download all or part of it here.


From the outset (when it was founded through the former Cairngorms Partnership, the body that paved the way for the Cairngorms National Park) work with a wide variety of groups and individuals has been key to the CNLBAP’s success. Funding has come through a mixture of agencies and local authorities and action on the ground involved a range of people such as farmers, gamekeepers, professional researchers, amateur biological recorders, rangers, community groups and schoolchildren.

This allows the CNLBAP to dovetail with the work of the National Park, in which encouraging and supporting action by others is key to achieving the objectives of the Park’s plan.

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