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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 27/04/2011.

That was the Buzz that was

It was Scotland’s biggest-ever 24hr effort to record and enjoy wildlife near towns. The Big Bio Buzz was that simple. That challenging.

And some of you were part of it, in Ballater, Kingussie or Grantown.

22 May was the Cairngorms Big BioBuzz Day.

It took place during Scottish Biodiversity Week as part of 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. So it’s a piece of something even bigger: a celebration of the amazing and important variety of life.

Throughout winter and spring, teams of wildlife rangers and staff from the Cairngorms National Park Authority made plans for the big day (and night). When the Big BioBuzz took flight there was fun, surprises and hundreds of new records made of wildlife large and small.

Visit the pages here for Grantown, Kingussie and Ballater to get an idea of the events that were in the BioBuzz programme.

Now the big day has past, but the Buzz goes on. Keep checking this site. We'll be reporting  more information soon, as trickier species are identified and people share photos and ideas.

Join us online.

Join us in the Cairngorms towns.

There’s a buzz about Cairngorms Biodiversity. And it’s getting BIGGER.


The Cairngorms Big BioBuzz was a BBC Springwatch Wild Day Out Event

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