Two days after arriving, Merlin was racing round the garden and slipped over on some concrete slabs, somehow he managed to brake a bone in his foot. To this day I don't know how he did it because the leg he injured was not the one underneath him when he fell. However, he was the perfect patient and made the most of being fussed over.

Luckily he was soon on the mend and it didn't slow him down for very long.
Merlin just loves to run and run and run. He will bring his ball or toy back again and again to be thrown but most of all he loves to run after Evie, unfortunately he is not quite fast enough to catch her, even if he waits in ambush.

Whereas Merlin is far happier playing chase with his toys, Evie would rather be off hunting down anything that moves in the garden. I don't think he has realised yet that she is creeping up on him!

Unfortunately for poor Merlin, he always seems to be the subject of Evie's attention.

It wasn't me - she started it.
Oh I am sorry, I thought this was my bed.

Merlin at SKC in May 2008

Trying to ambush Evie, but he is not quite so devious and she was ready for him, then she was off!

and time to rest....................

Merlin feeling the heat at Leeds in July with his new friends, Lucy and Charlie. Merlin was placed 3rd in Limit Dog.

I don't know what Merlin is thinking, but he looks like he is wondering how to climb the tree.

Merlin is looking slightly wary, probably heard a rustle and expecting Evie to come bounding out from behind a tree and ambush him.

Laura wants to have a go at showing the dogs, this means lots to take in for her. Merlin and Laura practising for the big ring.

Getting there, slowly but surely.

Getting better and better each time, Laura that is. After all the practising below are some pictures of Merlin and Laura in the ring at Hound Association of Scotland's show, held in Kelso on 11th April 2009.

Laura and Merlin in the showring at Leeds 2009.