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This page will illustrate what sort of items might be found in the pockets of a member of the airborne forces during WW2.


Above: An original British Army ID card.


Above: Military Issue "Red Cross" ID card. As issued to all personel attached to medical units.


Above: A British Army issue "A.T.P" (Army Time Piece) wristwatch.


Above: Details of the markings found on the back of the watch.


Above: ID tags issued to an RAMC soldier. One red & green tag were worn around the neck; if a soldier was killed the green tag would remain on the body, and the red tag would be removed for casualty records.


Above: Some examples of British currency, which may have been found in the soldiers pockets.


Above: The AB 439; Officer's Record of Service.


Above: The OR's (Other Ranks) AB64; Soldier's Service & Pay Book.


Above: Escape Kit, would contain a silk map, small brass button compass, blood chit & a hacksaw blade.


Above: New Testament Bible.


Above: A few examples of the cigarettes available at the time.


Above: Various types of WW2 era matches.


Above: Various examples of private purchase lighters from the period.


Above: Pipe smoking continued to be popular during WW2. Here are various typical examples.


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