Back to School
29 September 2014

For some in the audience the 29th September meeting of Anstruther Rotary Club took them back to their schooldays, with Mr Ian Hughes, Rector of Waid Academy being welcomed as speaker and guest.

Following a meal and some business topics, the club was privileged to hear Ian’s talk ‘A Year in the Life of Waid Academy’ This focussed on their photographic book of the same name, produced following an idea sparked by the 125th anniversary of Waid, two years ago.

Former students and staff contributed poems, short stories and other memories of their time at St Andrews Road, with today’s action represented by students and staff of the 2012-13 academic year. Their contributions encapsulated a typical year of activity at the school, both academic and extra curricular.

The result is a beautifully produced book, more than helped along in professional style by writer and ‘old boy’ Christopher Rush MA. The most stunning pictures were contributed by St Andrews photographer Peter Adamson - and we heard that Peter spent an entire year photographing everything – from the buildings, students, music, art and sport - to ‘dress down’ days raising money for school and charities.

Ian went on the talk about the depth and breadth of work at the academy, which currently has 677 students, and of his vision and hopes for the future. It was especially good to hear not only of academic successes, but also of the ‘soft skills’ that are so important a part of society. Waid has a strong focus on these and the qualities that make for ‘employability’.  What came out very strongly was the warmth evident in the school’s ethos.

It was both impressive and encouraging to understand just how much is being accomplished, for and by the students, as they prepare for their futures. And it all looked like a lot more fun than some of us recalled!!  

Club member Eric Dewhirst proposed a vote of thanks for an entertaining and inspirational talk.

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