If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)Craig Coultman-Smith
Have I said Thank you SO much for this? About 10 years ago I started mucking around with HTML but gave it up as it made my brain hurt. Your interface means that literally anyone can have a smart and functional site.Jennie Macfie
Thank you so much for this wonderful site. I had been considering my own website for a while and Spanglefish is just perfect for my needs, especially when I can do the updating myself.Diane MacDonald