Sign-ups worldwide

Thank you so much for this wonderful site. I had been considering my own website for a while and Spanglefish is just perfect for my needs, especially when I can do the updating myself.
Diane MacDonald
Have I said Thank you SO much for this? About 10 years ago I started mucking around with HTML but gave it up as it made my brain hurt. Your interface means that literally anyone can have a smart and functional site.
Jennie Macfie
Come and stay! You will love it. Thanks for your service, without Spanglefish, this would never have happened. Have already bought my second property!
The Croft Hideaway, Caithness

Spanglefish Platinum 'Designer' - a 10-page designed website for just £449*

A professionally designed Spanglefish multi-page website for your business or organisation . . .

A Spanglefish platinum websiteWhat do you get?

1 Up to 10 web pages set up for you (you can add more later at no charge), plus Contact, News, Guestbook and Location Map 'module' pages.

2 A horizontal menu with drop-downs for sub-pages, or a left aligned menu with fly-outs. You choose.

3 A 'branded' banner graphic designed for your site, including your photos & logo**

4 Your text - up to an A4 page for up to 10 pages (but you can add more later).**

5 Up to 36 of your pictures prepared at best quality and added to your Image Bank for illustrating your pages (you can add more later).

6 A branded footer graphic to complete the professional appearance.

7 An easy-to-use online editing system so you can login with your password and edit and update your site's text and add more images - easily and quickly, and without any web programming!

All assembled for you into a good-looking and easy to edit site, and ready for you to take over day-to-day updates.

See our Showcase for examples.

* Includes 1 year 'Gold Status'. Thereafter £39.95 per annum to keep the adverts switched off.

** Your logo, photos and site text must be supplied to us in a suitable format.


Sign up for a Platinum site now

Who's it for?

Small businesses or organisations in need of a professional, effective and cost-effective website. Browse our showcase for examples.

What next?

  • If you don’t already have a Spanglefish site ... Sign up now using the form provided here. We’ll then email you for your site text, images, and any ideas you have about the colouring you would like for your site.
  • If you already have a Spanglefish site ... Then email us with your site text, images, and any ideas you have about the colouring you would like for your site, and we’ll start work on redesigning your Spanglefish site for you.

How do I pay?

We’ll only invoice you once your site design is complete. Payment can then be made via Paypal or by cheque.

Sign-up now - it’s only £449

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