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16 October 2014
Nine dripping cocks !

I wasn't really expecting much of a turn out or ride last night - I was expecting to just see George and pretty much head straight up to the Plough for a few beers on such a damp evening. Oh how wrong I was, a total of 9 cocks gathered at Nirvana for the start on a very wet evening - on arrival at Nirvana George and Mike were already there, we were quickly joined by John & Ade then Richard, Paul was next to arrive and lastly Matt & Michael.

With such an eager crowd a bit more of an effort was needed on the route so we opted to head out to Holmbury Hill via the Abinger Roughs - its amazing just how quickly the winter conditions have returned, in less than 2 weeks we have gone from dusty dry to thick mud making my choice of the fully rigid singlespeed a good one.

We made our way over to Abinger Hammer then over to Peaslake and up onto Holmbury Hill, the nearer the top we got the thicker the mist and when you ride with glasses like I do it can become a real problem. Still we pressed on into the gloom with frequent re groupings to keep everyone together and eventually arrived (not that you could tell) at the summit. No hanging around today, just straight off down 'Park Life' which despite the conditions was riding well proving just how useful it is to have a few 'Purpose built' trails around.

Next was the decent of 'Telegraph way' which was fun as always but to our surprise was busy with riders who scattered as we caught and passed them. At the end we had a regroup as was the other bunch and it all got a little confused in the dark and gloom. Suffice to say, we never did see John again last night.

Our pre-arranged pub stop was to be the Plough at Coldharbour so we dropped down to the Holmbury road (which saw me have a crash and lose a light battery which I only realised while going up the road towards 'The Mother' so I went back and managed to find). The tarmac was so easy compared to the gloop of the trails but in going back to find my lost battery the others were no some way ahead.

I plodded up 'The Mother' alone in the dank conditions and with limited vision and tired legs had to push the last small section before it levels out at High Ashes Farm. With the main climb dispatched I made my way up the main drag to Leith Hill tower passing Paul on the way and shortly after went passed Matt and Mike. Ade had stopped in Holmbury and collected his car, John was god knows where and Richard and Michael were heading straight for home so that just left George unaccounted for - I needn’t have worried though for as I entered the Plough where he was sat enjoying a pint with Charlie and Simon who'd both driven up and Ade who'd come across from Holmbury in his car.

The beer was good, the weather was still awful and that’s how it stayed until we eventually had to leave for home, we opted for the quick blast down Coldharbour lane, a good choice given the conditions. Eventually I got home, cold and very very wet but pleased to have made the effort and enjoy a surprisingly good ride.

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