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19 January 2011
At last they have arrived

Well, I can't keep it a secret any longer. On Monday our new 'Cocks' kit arrived, it still hasn't been handed out to people yet hence no pictures at the moment. The big hand out will be happening tonight at the Plough on our regular Wednesday night ride so lets just hope it goes down well and Duncan doesn't get lynched.

In other news Ray did a write up of our last Saturday ride on the forum which I have copied into here as below - enjoy and its nice to have someone else writing stuff for the Cocks for a change.

A good ride today, just what you need after a few too many beers the night before.

It was all a bit rushed this morning, sorry for holding up the start of the ride, when I wheeled out the bike this morning it had a flat front tyre and no back brakes. At least I wasn't the only one with mechanicals, Kevin's bike was making an awful noise, he put it down to a small stone or some grit stuck in the front pads and assumed it would just go away after a bit of use, after closer inspection he discovered there were no pads at all, just metal on metal. Fortunately he was able to get a new set fitted at the Peaslake Peddle and Spoke shop. That was when Toby realised his back brakes pads had worn out but carried on regardless (who needs brakes). George managed to lock up his rear free-wheel and break his chain on the ride back along the north downs way.

Never met Kiwi Mike before, he is certainly a challenge to keep up with. I hope he didn't mind me assuming he was an Aussie, no one told me his nick name was Kiwi (that would have helped). Mike, please say hello to Guy the next time you see him, I need to make an effort to keep in touch.

Toby did his usual splendid job of guiding us over the north downs in the general direction of Newlands Corner, the best bit being some great long and flowing descents across Blackheath (correct me if I am wrong Toby).

It was a little cold and windy up at the Newlands Corner cafe, next time we should try out the indoor cafe on the other side of the road.

It was certainly very wet and muddy in places with Mike doing a spinning session as he tried to get up to the cafe with a back tyre that clearly didn't have enough tread to do the job. Coming back along the North Downs way we went through a massive puddle that was so deep my bottom bracket was completely submerged.

Another good ride, see you all Wednesday
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