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Rockets, sundials with Sigma at Lhanbryde
20 March 2009

Rocket making and launching, sundial making, umbrella astronomy, comet making. And what about pin prick constellations, or the universe on a toilet roll?

These are part of the package of events in store for Lhanbryde Community Centre on the afternoon and evening of Saturday 28 March.

It's being organised by Moray's astronomy club Sigma to mark the International year of Astronomy. Sigma are running four Saturday events in Moray with funding from the Royal Astronomical Society. The first one took place at Dyke & District Village Hall on 28 February and attracted over a hundred people.

The Lhanbryde activities take place through the afternoon from 2.00 - 4.30 pm, and will be followed in the evening at 7 pm by two short talks introducing the night sky, and then an observing session.

Sigma members will on hand with telescopes, and if the weather turns out unsuitable for viewing, there will an alternative programme of short and entertaining talks.

And entry to it all, say Sigma, is free.

Later in the year, there will be similar events at Gordonstoun and Portknockie. Full details of the programme, together with much else of interest about the night sky, can be found on the Sigma website.

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