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31 August 2019
We really HATE this tie!

Just pressed the Tie-from-Hell - and pressed it and pressed it and pressed it.  It is NOT our sort of tie, we do NOT like it.  Sure it makes a neat knot, but it is mean and unreasonable. Don't go there!  Spot the skinny one in this line up:

OK, from left to right:

  • EXTRA DARK, supertwist - sharp for the city?
  • EXTRA DARK, traditional - Herdwick to tie for...
  • EXTRA DARK, supertwist and skinny - doesn't have as much character as the others

We are not going to label the skinny one - the recipient wanted a 'thinner, smooth bit round the neck' - but it's going to curl up something terrible.  Not to be repeated!  Overall, though, in the picture it doesn't look as skinny as it feels in the hands.  It is actually the same width as the junior tie, just quite a bit longer.

(If you are wondering about the coloured wool markers, they are just to show where the labels will go.  These ties are pressed but not finished.)


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