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If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)
Craig Coultman-Smith
As someone who goes into a sweaty fit at the mere thought of setting up a website, I was very lucky to discover the living wonder known as Spanglefish. Had it not rescued me from absolute techostupidity, I would still be working on where to put the Tippex on my homepage. In all seriousness, at what could have been an extremely stressful time (setting up not one, but two websites), Spanglefish did me proud.
Grace Monroe
I've had great fun putting the site up and think Spanglefish is a fantastic system - I'll spread the word!
Karen Marshalsay - Harper


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