Ashby Rambler's Blog Archive

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Traffic Problems Increasing in Cold Ashby

by Ashby Rambler - 12:29 on 26 September 2012

The Rambler welcomes the stance taken by Cold Ashby Parish Council concerning safety on our roads and footways.

Though many of us sympathise with the difficulties encountered by local farmers (particularly during this unbelievably wet summer) and accept that roads in the village do need to accommodate an increase in farm traffic during the harvesting period, we are becoming increasingly concerned for the safety of children and adults in the parish.

The weight, height, width of farm vehicles having increased, drivers need to moderate their behaviour – possibly by slowing down and waiting for the passage of other traffic or, as was generally the case in the past, asking for the temporary removal of parked vehicles in advance of their journey.
This is surely preferable to using the footways as an extension to the roadwidth  – a practice which has led to damage to safety bollards and the depositing of mud on the footways.

The number of vehicles,  including illegal HGVs, using Cold Ashby as a through route is also on the increase and many of these are not observing the 30 MPH limit whilst also using the footways instead of waiting for a clear road.

Measures are being taken by the Parish Council:

  • Plans are in place for physical traffic calming, though the money has not yet been found for its construction.
  • Two permanent Vehicle activated signs and a newly acquired portable sign, which can also record details of speed, time etc. are in use.

Yet the Rambler cannot help noting that what we, as residents, need most is a more thoughtful and considerate attitude from those who drive through Cold Ashby – we live in a village which is more to us than an unfortunate impediment to drivers!


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