Ashby Rambler's Blog Archive

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Elkington Parish’s Flying Circus

by Ashby Rambler - 17:52 on 09 November 2011


And now for something completely different …

Even regular readers of the Rambler will find this one difficult to comprehend!

Riders and walkers using Bridleway EP8, who are already attempting to ignore the A14 immediately to their right when travelling East, having previously enjoyed the Jurassic Way through the beautiful Hemplow Hills area, will, if this planning application is approved, also be expected to cope with aircraft taking off/landing immediately to their left.
Thus the bridleway in question will become no more than a virtual ‘corridor of uncertainty’ (with apologies to G. Boycott) for riders and their horses, unnerving for walkers and a distraction to drivers on the A14.
Rights of Way, such as EP8 are highways and as such remain in existence until they are legally closed or diverted. Many have been formed before dual carriageways and airstrips were invented and are part of the countryside’s rich heritage - we should not allow them to be threatened or ignored in this way.
To get full details of this proposal click here.
To object, contact Bruce Allen.

Comment from Ashby Rambler at 15:30 on 25 November 2011.
The application was refused on 23rd November - see News Page.

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