Ashby Rambler's Blog Archive
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What Happened to Cold Ashby's Bus?
by Ashby Rambler - 15:48 on 08 October 2011
The Rambler, already dedicated to 'putting Cold Ashby on the Map' now finds he is involved in parishioners' efforts to put Cold Ashby back on the Bus Timetable.
Though many seem to have forgotten this, the term 'bus' is actually an abbreviation of the Latin, 'omnibus', which generally translates as 'for all' - not as 'only for some'.
Apparently, when Centrebus submitted their timetable to Northampton County Council's Transport Planning Department, they 'failed to notice 'that Cold Ashby was no longer included in the Service 60 Timetable.
In effect, Cold Ashby now has no scheduled bus service at all .
Technically, of course, residents can contact 'County Connect', a new 'demand responsive' bus service but not until they have applied for, and received, a membership number and, eventually, a 'Welcome Pack' (which is posted from Lincoln).
It should then be possible, theoretically, to connect with regular scheduled buses and travel to other local villages by booking journeys in advance.
However, difficulties have already been experienced with short connections.
A number of parishioners have signed a petition which has reached the Transport Planners.
The Parish Council are also on the case.
Meanwhile, if you live in Cold Ashby, why not apply for membership?
It costs nothing and might help convince the 'powers that be' that Cold Ashby needs its bus!
Find out more here.
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The DACT Scheme, which provides a minibus for community groups such as Cold Ashby’s Friendly Club, is another potential casualty of the County Council’s funding cuts. According to The Daventry Express, this has been ‘cut by 20 per cent to £31,000 this year and next year it may be nothing.’
A petition is being circulated around the village. It can also be signed at Daventry Express offices, DACT’s offices in the Abbey Centre or at DACT Shopmobility in the town.