Ashby Rambler's Blog Archive

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Cold Ashby's Condition is Serious!

by Ashby Rambler - 21:13 on 18 January 2016





One of the Rambler's earlier entries on the History Page was a detail from an old road atlas (c.1950) which appeared to show Church Lane as part of what was then the B4036, a road which had probably always run through Main Street but which is now declassified, despite Main Street now suffering a huge volume of traffic each day.

This was almost certainly an error on the part of the map-maker. We would surely not expect a single-track lane ever to have been designated a B road.

Sadly, the Rambler's original comment that this possibility 'exercises the imagination' is now totally redundant – the anticipated and feared consequences of Church Lane being used by a mere fraction of the volume of traffic normally experienced during each working day now in Main Street have been depressingly realised.

Despite the best efforts of our Parish Council, this ancient lane has been devastated by unauthorised traffic during the closures of the other routes through Cold Ashby, closures essential to the improvement of surface water drainage to prevent another devastating experience – the flooding of village properties after heavy rain.

The surface of the lane (never good) is now completely broken and dangerously pot-holed. Before the roadworks, Church Lane's verges were pleasantly grassy with well-established wild plants. (The Rambler is no expert here but knows foxgloves when he sees them!).

Now, most of these verges are merely of compacted mud. The Long Well, restored in 1991 has a broken step (pictured above - probably run over by a heavy vehicle whilst avoiding approaching traffic) and mud covers the public seat provided next to it.

The authorities have apparently promised to 're-landscape' – but the natural environment is unlikely to recover for years.

Meanwhile, back in Main Street, drivers have removed, or even forced their way through, traffic barriers, signs and bollards - churning up grass verges, driving on our footways and even a front lawn!

Similar damage has been caused in Stanford Road and West Haddon Road.

We have also had several 'incidents' involving unauthorised HGVs intent on getting through the village regardless of signs, barriers or the law.

This experience has been traumatic, deeply upsetting and damaging, not only to our immediate well-loved environment, but also to our opinion of humanity.

Why have so many apparently thoughtless and selfish people deliberately failed to treat Cold Ashby and its residents with consideration or respect?

Comments would be most welcome below.


Comment from Mark at 16:46 on 05 February 2016.
Not sure if this has been done (as I follow the diversion) but would it help if some local residents, only on occasions for 30 mins to one hour start standing out by the temporary bollards in a high vis and start taking pictures/noting down number plates to pass onto the police? One, this will help put people off and secondly you can pass this onto the police for them to either follow up, or at the least it will be demonstrating to the extent of the problem if they don't choose to follow each one up. It annoys me every day when I see vehicles ignoring the road closure signs turning off the A5199 and West Haddon Road.
Comment from Ashby Rambler at 11:01 on 06 February 2016.
Thanks for the supportive comment, Mark.
Some of us have been questioning those ignoring the signage and advising them to use the diversion - some listen and some don't!
As I write, Church Lane remains closed to all but residents but West Haddon Road has been re-opened.
Comment from Ashby Rambler at 16:24 on 09 October 2016.
Pleased to report that the favourable conditions this summer, together with the efforts of the Highways Dept. have resulted in a near return to normal - far sooner than I anticipated.
The foxgloves are back!

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