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Callanish Stones

Featured photo below by kind permission of © www.johnmacleanphotography.com

callanish...remote, mysterious, and wheelchair accessible

The Callanish, (Clachan Chalanais or Tursachan Chalanais in Gaelic) complex of ancient megaliths constitute, along with Stonehenge and the Orkney sites, the finest and most mysterious monuments to the skill and beliefs of the ancient peoples of Britain. Callanish is an antiquity of international importance, with many visitors from around the world. These beautiful photos show many aspects of these extraordinary stones in different seasons and moods, and this Wikipedia article gives the scholarly background information.

Built between 2900 and 2600 BC, these linked prehistoric sites on Lewis predate the pyramids of Egypt by a thousand years. Within view of the main Callanish circle are two smaller circles and a number of other stones and monuments.

Callanish itself consists of a stone circle, with a central monolith and five radiating rows of stones. Two of these form an avenue aligning northwards. The site is a must-see for any visitor, but presents a number of obstacles for visitors with disabilities. Have you visited the site, or wish to make a comment or correction? Your views are most welcome and will help future visitors.

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