Download our membership leaflet: Page 1 ; Page 2
What we do
Lewis Access Panel is a group of people with disabilities ( see members page) who aim to improve access to buildings and services across Lewis. We do this by auditing (surveying) the key services like ferry terminals, car parks, library, shops, arts centres and offices, and publishing this on this website. Members of the public are very welcome to join the panel. Visitors and residents can also add your views, comments, photos and ideas to the Guestbook.
How we work
The preparation of this Guide has been a joint venture between the Panel and the Council and has only been made possible by the hard work and dedication of a number of disabled people and carers acting on a voluntary basis. It will be our intention to keep the Guide as up-to-date as possible and if you would like to assist the Panel in completing and updating the audits, Any other information that you feel will be useful or of interest to disabled people and their carers please contact us.
Message from the Chair:
"Hi and welcome to our new website, I'm the chair of the Lewis access panel, and I have first hand experience of the barriers faced by people with disabilities and their carers. Your contribution is vital: only by working together can we overcome these hurdles. Please use the blogs and public forum to tell us what you think of the site and to put forward your ideas on any other content that you would like to see on the site. Together let's make Lewis the most accessible island in Europe!"
Gordon Thomas
Contact Information