SpanglefishWalks in 1066 Country | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the route directions, the publishers cannot accept responsiblility for errors or omissions, or for changes in details given. Like everything else the countryside changes; hedges and fences can be removed, field boundaries altered, foopaths re-routed etc.  Also foopaths through woodland that are easy to run/walk on in dry conditions can become very greasy in wet weather. If you find any inaccuracies in either the text or the maps, please contact the author on 07918 907265 or email

Similarly whilst every effort has been made to advise runners and walkers of the likelihood of meeting sheep and particularly cows on each of these routes, there is always a chance that livestock may appear in an unexpected field and you should use your discretion if the need arises. However I have rarely encountered any problems in the 20 plus years that I have been running and walking off road in the 1066 area, and sincerely hope that you will get as much pleasure from the beauty of the countryside as I have in compiling this booklet!

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