SpanglefishWeir Hall and District Ratepayers Association | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 31/01/2010.

aims and objectives

Five good reasons why you should join Weir Hall & District Ratepayers' Association

*  The Association is independent of any political party and has been serving householders in this area since 1930

*  The Association safeguards your interests and acts as a watchdog on your behalf in respect of all developments in the      area

*  The Association represents your views to the local authority and will investigate any matter brought to its attention

*  The Association's solicitor will give members free preliminary legal advice relating to house ownership, the local     authority or any other matter of concern

*   Members are warmly welcomed at the Association's meetings and receive two informative and lively magazines each      year that keep them up to date with what is happening in the area

Why not join us?

Annual subscription: £1 per household


1.   The Association welcomes to its ranks as members all ratepayers, direct and indirect within the area covered by the        Association.
2.   The Association does not support any political party and will consider all issues on their merits.
3.    It seeks to ensure efficient local government administration and to work in conjunction with other organisations                  having similar aims and objects.
4.    It aims to safeguard the interest of ratepayers in all matters of local government, local affairs and local public services
5.    The Association will investigate any matter raised by members. All matters for consideration must be addressed in  writing to the Secretary and will be considered in confidence by the committee. Members' names are not disclosed outside the committee.
6.    Members of the Association may obtain preliminary legal advice relating to house ownership, matters concerning the         local authority or other personal matters, free of charge, from the Association's solicitor.
7.    The Association endeavours to see that local government is carried out by the elected representatives in the best               interests of ratepayers without political bias.
8.    The Association is affiliated to the Federation of Enfield Residents' and Allied Associations.
9.    The Association will work towards the nomination and election of independent candidates to local government in conjunction with other Ratepayers' Associations in Enfield in the belief that independent local government is desirable.


1.   The Association shall be called "The Weir Hall and District Ratepayers' Association", and its boundaries shall be: on         the West side * Firs Lane, Connaught Gardens, Chequers Way, Tottenhall Road; on the South side * Empire Avenue, Wilbury Way; on the East side * Haselbury Road, Bull Lane; on the North side * Deansway, Rayleigh  Road.
2.   All ratepayers in the district covered by the Association shall be eligible for membership subject to being duly approved by the General Committee.
3.   The subscription shall be payable in advance, to become due on 1st May in each year. Any member whose subscription is substantially in arrears shall be removed from membership, provided that the member has had notice of such arrears.
4.   The Association shall be non-political. Its affairs and funds shall be managed by a General Committee consisting of            Officers and elected members. The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Registrar who, with the remainder of the General Committee, shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting, provided their subscriptions are duly paid.
5.   The General Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and to co-opt members to fill vacancies in its            ranks. Co-opted members shall then retire at the next Annual General Meeting of the Association but shall be eligible for election at this meeting. Co-opted members shall have full powers of voting.
6.   There may be a President and Vice-President of the Association, who shall be elected and retire annually, but            eligible for re-election if qualified. The qualifications of President and Vice-President shall be fixed by the General              Committee.
7.   The General Committee shall meet at least once a month for the transaction of the business of the Association and shall report progress to the Association's next general meeting. Six committee members, of whom at least three shall be Officers, shall form a quorum. Between meetings of the General Committee matters on which an urgent decision is required may be resolved by the unanimous vote of three Officers of the Association.
8.   Any elected member of the General Committee or any sub-committee being absent without reason from three                   consecutive meetings shall, after sufficient warning has been given, be considered to have vacated his or her seat.  Any such vacancy may be filled by a member co-opted by the General Committee until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.
9.   The Association shall meet twice yearly, one of its meetings being the Annual General Meeting that shall be held in the month of October. A report of the year's work shall then be submitted; the audited and signed accounts to the preceding 30th September presented; the Officers and committee for the following year elected; and Auditors appointed. Any member may bring forward any matter of local interest for debate upon giving at least 14 days' notice in writing to the Hon. General Secretary.  The Secretary shall give not less than 7 days' notice of   iation             meetings. Urgent business may be brought forward at any such meeting by permission of the Chairman. Twenty-five          members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting.
10. All questions at Association meetings shall be decided by the votes of registered members. If votes are equal, the             Chairman shall give a second or casting vote. Except at the discretion of the Chairman no member shall speak twice on the same motion except the mover nor shall any mover or subsequent speaker speak longer than five minutes.
11. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time upon a written request, signed by twenty-five members of the Association whose subscriptions are not in arrears. Such requests shall state the particular reason for calling the meeting and the nature of the business to be considered and such a meeting shall be convened by the Secretary within thirty days from the receipt of the request.
12. All reports for Press publication dealing with any business of the Association shall be issued with the authority of the          Chairman or Secretary only.
13. All matters and questions not covered by these rules shall be decided by the Chairman. Any alteration to these rules shall be made at a general meeting of the Association called for that purpose on 21 clear days' notice. Such notice shall set out the form of the proposed new rules or proposed alterations in every detail. The new rules or proposed alterations shall require a majority of three quarters of those present and voting at the said meeting.
14. All matters for the consideration of the General Committee of the Association shall be addressed in writing to the Hon. General Secretary.
15. The Association may be wound up by a resolution of three quarters of those present and voting at a general meeting          called upon 21 clear days' notice for that purpose. On the winding up of the Association the assets of the Association after payment of all outstanding liabilities shall be given to the Federation of Enfield Residents' and Allied Associations.


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