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Invitation 32 SINGLES at Edgworth -A good crowd were treated to some superb bowling skills, and a good day out was enjoyed by all.
23 April 2011

 Barry Robinson will be running this £20 Entry Invitation Singles for 32 entries. The competition is full and will start at 10am. Some top name bowlers will be competing, there will be food and drinks available, and a raffle will take place. Why not come along and watch or have a bet.


Winner £200, finalist £150, semi-finalists £75, and 4 x  £50.


Quarter-Finals; Steve Leach 21-20 Wayne Usher, John Hodson 21-11 Darren Allsop, D.Phillips 15-21 Peter Consterdine, Noel Burrows 21-19 Jimmy Carney.

Semi-Finals: Steve Leach 21-16 John Hodson, Peter Consterdine 19-21 Noel  Burrows.

Final: Steve Leach 16-21 Noel Burrows.





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