The sixth Strathpuffer will take place
on 15th/16th January 2011
Entries for solos, pairs and quads will open
at 10.00 am on 5th November 2010
and close at midnight on 31st December 2010
The link for entries will appear on this website in due course. In the meantime, enjoy the warmth of the sun while you can because you know it can’t last and when it’s gone it's time for No. 6 -- Hooray !!
The Strathpuffer Team

After a lot of recent enquiries it's clear where thoughts are drifting to as you lie on your sunbeds so to keep you posted
we're having a meeting shortly to confirm dates for the next 'Puffer - which will be one of the two middle weekends in January - that's either 15th/16th or 22nd/23rd.
Those of you who are registered with Sportident will receive an email to say when entries open. Frankly this is the simplest way for us to deal with the volume of interested mad'uns. We've put a few enquiries on a mailing list and we will let them know too but, really, if ya wanna do it you're gonna have sign up with SportIdent anyway.....
Keep an eye out in the next few weeks to find out when we're open for entries.
Meanwhile enjoy the rest of the summer !
Puffer Lite 2010
June 26th/27th 8pm to 8am
The Puffer Lite (or Strathpuffer12) is open for entries at the Sportident-link
Only 2 hours semi-darkness and a lovely relaxed summer vibe.
We've no worries about asking marshals to marshal, (I wonder why ?) and it's great for those of you who are new to the 'Puffer family as you can check out the course before committing to the big daddy of endurance events in the winter, which you will 'cos it's fun.
Strathpuffer24 2010
Well, that's it over for another year (apart from the Puffer Lite in the summer). An amazing 450 competitors turned up, and raced an epic Puffer.
Alex Slaven won (again), and the only person to fall off in the first lap was Dougie Vipond! Looking forward to seeing the coverage on The Adventure Show, BBC2 Scotland, on Sunday 28th February. Have a look at www.tripleecho.co.uk for details.
Here's an excellent video diary from Stu Thomson....
Here's a blog from Dan Holland
Full report of Winners on Sportident and photos on Jon Brooke's right place right time. Also check out the Stodge Blog for a fine event report.
We are also on Facebook (or should that be Faceplantbook?)
Did you knacker your bike at the Puffer? Why not bring it to Square Wheels and get it fixed or if it's totally wrecked we can sell you a shiny new one.
Special thanks for prizes go to Altura clothing, Cube Bikes, Bionicon Bikes, Square Wheels,Tim Hall, Squirt Lube and Brian Mcleod.
We'll add reports here as we get them, but for now it's a big thank you to all our helpers, marshalls, pixies and supporters!

Bill says he enjoyed the company!
Strathpuffer 2010
Well, we're full again..........
to see who is already in or alter your entry,go to::
The Ben Wyvis hotel is again doing a special Puffer deal on dinner, bed & breakfast at a very reasonable £32.50 pp.........
Squarewheels has 20% off everything in stock in it's January sale (starts 4th Jan) except 2010 bikes....why not treat yourself to some toasty sealskinz or a USE light?.... www.squarewheels.biz or 01997 421000.

The Puffer course looks a lot nicer in the summer