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We have asked candidates standing in the Westerhope By-Election for their position on the campaign.  The responses are below;

PJ Morrissey - Liberal Democrats "I have been aware of these pylons for many years and I support your campaign to have them removed. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

Ernie Shorton - Newcastle First  "I am fully committed to the pylon campaign.  In my experience, the pylons are an eyesore and, although noise may not be excessive for a short time, it may be annoying over an extended period. However, my main concern is the health impact of pylons in such close proximity to the homes of local people and I believe very strongly that the pylons should be relocated underground.  If I am elected, I will work hard to secure council support to move the pylons in conjunction with my colleagues in Denton, Newburn and Westerhope Wards. If I am not elected, I will continue to offer my full support to the scrap the pylons campaign."

William Holloway - Conservatives "I would like to offer my support to your campaign.  I believe that your campaign has had the support from Conservative candidates in the past, and I would like to continue to support the campaign to remove the pylons.  If elected as the councillor for Westerhope, I will work hard to represent Westerhope and all its residents, regardless of political loyalties.  I would lobby the utility companies to get the high voltage cables buried.  Regardless of the outcome of the by-election, if there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to get in touch. "

Linda Hobson - Labour  "Thank you for your email regarding the scrap the pylon campaign in the outer west of Newcastle.  Having lived in an the outer west area of Newcastle underneath the pylons I can fully understand and share your campaign groups concerns.  If elected as councillor for Westerhope I look forward to working with local groups like yours. I support your call to get the cables relocated underground."


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