A selection of presentations:
- Adlerian Skype Research Group 24.3.19 presents Spirals for Enquirers with Educator Joy Mounter at the ASIIP Spring conference For video 'Spirals' was modified as a self-study enquiry method for Adlerian Practitioners finding Living Theory Research too academic. For more details see Spirals for Enquirers in Menu
Photo by Rosemarie White
- 'Alongsideness in working
relationships and as an epistemology: What does alongsideness mean to me ... and to you?' 13.6.17 [includes Crucial Cs] Presentation Adlerian Society UK Conway Hall London. Alongsideness as it evolves in new contexts promoting mental wellbeing and responding to mental distress. Looks at the meld of Living Theory educational research, Adlerian psychology and alongside relationships in an alongside epistemology influencing social change.
- 'Ruth Helps George to Sleep' 2012 15 min You Tube video. Ruth describes to Robyn her use of the alongsideness method to help George learn to sleep. See also 'Publications'. In two articles - UK Adlerian Year book and Journal of Health Visiting - Ruth and Robyn explain their experiences of working together using the Crucial Cs.
- 'Building Community Capacity in B&NES' 2012 Presentation about local community development activities to Public Health Practitioners. Bridgewater, Somerset, Summer More explanation in 'Leadership as alongsidness' Chapter in Public Health Policy and Practice (in press with Elsevier, 2020)
- 'Action Enquiry in Practice' 2006 A non-interactive PDF version of Robyn's presentation to research practitioners Auckland University, Canterbury University, Christcurch NZ Outline of the motivations, community development activites and public campaigning leading to and during the PhD process. Gives a summary of alongsideness in health visiting practice and the part played by reflective Living Theory action research
- 'Creating alongsideness in community practice as we each ask,"How can we each improve what we are doing?"' 2005 Presentation to the Adlerian Society UK Conway Hall London, December. Describes context, activities and emergence of 'alongsideness' in my health visiting practice, using Living Theory to answer questions about supporting families within an agenda of rights for children - PhD research
- Understanding what I am doing: 'How can I improve my health visiting support of family relationships? 2004. Presentation to Practitioner Graduates University of West of England. Research Summary of Living Theory as practice in Health Visiting.
- Understanding and Working with Children and Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Problems. In Child + Adolescent Mental Health Multi-Agency Training workshop. Groups lead by Karen Johnand Robyn Pound for Continuing Vocational Educational Initiative for Avon Health Authority, University of the West of England, Bristol City Council. 1998
- Positive Parenting - A Realistic Aim for Health Visiting?: Responding to the Children's Rights Debate. May 1995 Presentation to health visitors at a Regional Study conference ... lead to an exploratory conference with Dr David Quinton Dr Penelope Leach, Norma Angelli and Peter Jones: Positive Parenting in Bath 1996