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If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)
Craig Coultman-Smith
Come and stay! You will love it. Thanks for your service, without Spanglefish, this would never have happened. Have already bought my second property!
The Croft Hideaway, Caithness
The system is excellent and I for one am a real fan - well done everyone at Spanglefish. A brilliant system - brilliant!
Brian Brooker

Spanglefish Privacy Notice

This Spanglefish Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Spanglefish's products and services, including information provided when you use your spanglefish site's administration system. In addition, the following outlines our privacy practices that are specific to Spanglefish.

Personal information

Spanglefish asks for some personal information when you sign up to use Spanglefish, including your name, email address and a password (used to protect your account from unauthorized access). Spanglefish servers automatically record information about your use of the service, such as when you use Spanglefish, and the frequency and size of data transfers. Information displayed or clicked on in the Spanglefish interface is also recorded. However, personal information is never passed to third parties


Spanglefish stores and maintains your account information and copies of your images, text and files, in order to provide the service.

Personal information longevity

In order to maintain the smooth running of our servers we do eventually remove websites from the system which we believe have not, or are not being used. Because of the way we maintain this service, residual copies of your profile information and other information associated with your account may remain on back-up media for up to six months unless a request is sent to the Data Protection Officer, (, for any personal information to be deleted

If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)
Craig Coultman-Smith
Come and stay! You will love it. Thanks for your service, without Spanglefish, this would never have happened. Have already bought my second property!
The Croft Hideaway, Caithness
The system is excellent and I for one am a real fan - well done everyone at Spanglefish. A brilliant system - brilliant!
Brian Brooker
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