SpanglefishPeter Merrett Boots and Bonework | sitemap | log in
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ntroduction from Pete

The art and skill of our forebears is demonstrated in replica artefacts all can enjoy today. In my profession I make these for everyone. For many years I taught at a 'living history' museum called Danelaw in York. The staff dress in period costume and provide historical role play days for schoolchildren in reconstructed outdoor settings as far back as the Romans. At the museum I was also responsible for providing ornamental, functional bonework and durable, custom-made footwear to go with the costumes. The shoes and boots were worn in all weathers on a daily basis. Danelaw, under the direction of Dave Thirlwall still thrives while I now live in the Lake District where I continue to make historical footwear and bonework. My portfolio includes items such as: bone belt fittings, clothing and hairpins, needles, combs (antler) and Celtic pendant crosses, suitable for both re-enactment and modern wear.

My re-enactment footwear is made from tough leather and is hand sewn using long lasting artificial sinew. Where appropriate the footwear is turned - that is, sewn inside-out then reversed to prevent the stitches from wearing out. I make the Mediaeval and Tudor turned footwear with a traditional 'rand'. This is a thin leather strip sewn between the sole and the upper. I also stitch the heel stiffener into the sole/upper seam. Historically, the Mediaeval and Tudor boots and shoes would have worn out fairly quickly, particularly at the heel. To increase the longevity I can, for no extra cost, stitch on an optional, easily replaceable shallow heel called a clump. All the laces are hand cut.

The pictures on the website exhibit how the replica footwear is suitable not only for re-enactment but also for fun everyday wear.


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