
Painted Dog Conservation - Mission Statement

PDC UK aims to support the Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) in the field by fund and awareness raising in the UK, particularly with relevance to PDC's local education initiatives.  PDC UK can offer speakers to talk to schools, and other organisations about the work of PDC in Zimbabwe. PDC UK is the sole importer of snare wire sculptures from PDC's Iganyana Arts Centre to the UK and can provide stands for craft fairs/exhibitions on request.

The Painted Dog Conservation’s (PDC) mission is to protect and increase the range and numbers of the painted dog (Lycaon pictus) both in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa.

We are committed to creating a conservation model built on education, community involvement and international support.

To ensure the painted dogs’ long-term survival, PDC’s conservation model includes the scientific community, the local community and the international community all working together.

Painted Dog Conservation promotional video 2015


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