
Amy Hemingway Art

Amy Tiffany Hemingway is a fine artist born in the UK, who has spent many years living in South Africa/ Lesotho, and was moved to produce artworks in order to help conserve and protect wild nature in Africa. Her main focus is the plight of the Lycaon Pictus (Painted Dog) which is now becoming so worryingly rare.

amy hemingway arte - painted dog

She finds the Painted Dogs the most beautiful of all creatures, with such unique social behaviour and incredibly high sensitivity. They are selfless mothers, caring aunties, and hard working brothers. They are a breed which closely resemble her own four dogs, two brothers and two sisters (African Mixed Breed).

Amy also supports T.A.W.I. (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative) and Hole in the Wall Horse Project, who help to maintain the lives of both dogs and horses in the rural areas. Africa can be a tough environment, with dangers lurking every day. But it is an environment which Amy believes vehemently must be protected for posterity, and kept as close to what God had intended as possible.

Please visit the Amy Hemingway Art website by clicking on the image below.


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