A few stories
I`ve brought back signs from holidays in Canada, France, Italy and Japan as well as this country. I have found that they command just as high prices as they do here.
Not everyone likes them. My late mother-in-law used to call them "Those old bits of tin" which used to irritate me somewhat but I suppose everyone has their own taste
My oldest sign STARCH GLAZE SOLD IN PENNY PACKETS is dated 1880 and I discovered this one when I was out walking in the countryside one day. It was being used as a back of a shed. I enquired if the owner would like to sell it to me and fortunately he said o.k. So I went home a happy man. It`s a bit tattered but then so would I be at 130 years old.
Someone brought me the old Hercules bicycle when she had dug it out of her garden. It is dated 1930
I like this image I think it's Dutch.