No tips to the driver Only 6d to the station and 2d for your luggage One of the very first taxis I think. This one I have put on twice but never mind I really like it.
I was lucky enough to acquire this one from an old sign writer who used to copy these enamels on to wood. His father(also had been a sign writer) and it was found in his shed. |
Robbilac paint An art deco design date 1925 |
Coombs flour seven gold medals Coombs flour good for indigestion and cheap enough too at 3d a bag. |
A nice decorative sign for Mellins foods I think these were baby foods really although it says all ages. |
Vicks Charming picture for Vicks cold cure |
Melox dog food Quite a collectable one of Melox dog food |
Well known dry cleaners. This was a well known high street cleaners but alas no more. |
King and Queen The royals in a tug of war |
Indian boy Nice image |
Senior service H.M.S. Excellent |
Rub it in Good prices for this rub it in remedy |
Lyons cocoa I like the colours of this one |
Two Steeples Pure wool underwear will not shrink It might be a bit itchy though !!! |
Daily Chronicle A paper for a halfpenny |
Royal Ediswan There were six of these found lining a compost bin on allotments Someone had a good find. |
Nectar Tea Made by Patent Enamel Company Dated 1910 Unusual cut out of tea cup
Sandemans Charming picture. Sorry it`s sideways |
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