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New Inn, Thrintoft Closes & Black Horse Find a New Home
15 January 2009

The 'credit crunch' has claimed yet another victim, as the NDDL learned this week that the New Inn at Thrintoft has been forced to close.

This dreadful news has a double edged sword, as not only will the darts team of the New Inn be looking for a new home, but also the darts team of the Black Horse, Kirkby Fleetham, who have been playing their home games at the New Inn, Thrintoft, following the closure of their pub in the Summer of 2008.

The NDDL have learned today that the Black Horse have been in contact with a local public house and have made arrangements to play all their home games until the end of the 2008-2009 season at the Three Coopers, in Emgate, Bedale.

The NDDL are awaiting details of where the New Inn are to play the remainder of their home games from, but as soon as the NDDL know an announement will be made.

Let us hope that this is the last of the public house closures until the end of the season.


NDDL Chairman

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