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What we've done

Duncan MacInnes

1972             Graduated CambridgeUniversity

1972-1973     Volunter in Lesotho, community development

1974-1975     Learning Skye – postman and housebuilder

1975-1991     Clan Donald Lands Trust, Isle of Skye - Estate management, Countryside Ranger, Visitor Services Manager and Visitor Centre Arts Officer.

1991 to present     MacInnes and Co


Developing 'Wikipedia' rural promoting informatoiun for the PAN website

Artistic programming of touring arts events for SEALL, Skye

1991- present

Clients – Arts Development

‘Dealan’ Arts project

     3 year arts development for Skye and Lochallsh funded by SAC

Promoters Arts Network

     secretariat, events information collation, training, conference organisation, website and printwork design.

National Rural Touring Forum

     ‘The Don’t Panic Pack’ for rural promoters

     Associated training

Scottish Arts Council  

     ‘The Dont Panic Book’ for Scottish rural promoters

Scottish Arts Council

     Combined Arts Committee

     Strategic Development Development

Voluntary Arts Network

     arts administration

Highland Council

     ‘Good Night out’ Schools promotion project

Blas Festival

     management committee and marketing support


     Screen Machine development


     Tans-Irish development projects

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

     event management


     Company Secretary

     Lighting and sound engineer


     ‘Sgathach’ Skye’s Gaelic opera

Village Halls in Poolewe, Uig, Mull, Glenelg

     development plans

Highland Festival

     Area co-ordinator


Clients - Countryside Interpretation

Clan Donald Skye

     Nature Trail interpretive leaflet

Scottish Countryside Ranger Association

     Editor of SCRAmble Journal

     Booklets – see below

     World Ranger Conference Stirling – events management

Scottish Natural Heritage

     ‘Gaelic Provision in Environmental Education’

Glenelg Community

     Interpretive and information leaflet

Sleat Business Group

     Interpretive Leaflet for Sleat and The Road to the Isles

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

     Evening classes

Scottish Centre for Sustainable Community Development

      (CADISPA) Board member


Clients - Training and Development

Skye and Lochalsh Food and Drink initiative

Cànan Ltd

Further Education Evening Classes



‘The Don’t Panic Pack’ for rural promoters (England and Wales)

‘The Don’t Panic Book’ for rural promoters (Scotland)

‘People and The Land – The Ranger in Scotland

‘The Scottish Ranger as Educator’

‘Sleat – the Garden of Skye’ and other leaflets



Millennium Scholarship to Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton

SEALL arts, Skye - Founder, Director and Chairman, including Fèis an Eilein / Skye Festival, Skye World Music Festival and Skye Jazz Festival

Club Film – Committee and projectionist

Sleat Community Trust  – completed 6 years on Board as Chairman and vice-chairman

Sleat Community Trading Ltd – Chairman and sub-postmaster

Click for MapSSPC - Property in Scotland
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