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Electric Meter AccessMeter readings and top-ups are being done weekly by a committee member, please email by 5pm Wednesdays lhpameters@hotmail.com including flat number. Contact the same email for works access to meters, providing at least 48 hrs notice.
Leisure Suite ClosedThe Lothian House Leisure Suite was closed on 18 March 2020 due to Coronavirus outbreak. It is not possible to re-open meanwhile, as the LHPA cannot meet current Scottish Govt guidelines.
Open Office Sessions Temporarily CeasedPlease email the LHPA for general enquiries about other matters lhpacommittee@hotmail.com
Roof AccessOwners or agents requiring access to the roof for work to be undertaken should provide at least 48 hours notice email lhpacommittee@hotmail.com
Phone LHPA Duty Officer The LHPA is unable to provide out of hours service. Please call 07305-474-061 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm to reach the LHPA Duty Officer.
For routine matters please email lhpacommittee@hotmail.com
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