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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


The targets below can be built up with fortnightly weekend rides, we will let you know when the team is going out. I would recommend hill training once a week. Dores Hill is a great hill to do this as you get a warm up cycling there and it is a steady climb. 

Weather permitting Hugh will lead training runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings leaving Bannatyne's at 9am. 

Training Targets

Date Target Dores Climbs
Start of March 40 miles   1
Start of April 60 miles   2
Start of May 80 & 60 miles in 2 consecutive days 3
Start of June 100 & 80 miles in 2 consecutive days 4
Start of July 60, 100, 80 miles in 3 consecutive days 4



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