Update position
Dates for trip
Dates agreed on 5th Sept 2010
Agreed 21st July (thurs) travel day, cycling starts 22nd July (fri) and runs for 10 consecutive days ending in John O Groats on sun 31st July
Shirts for team
Caroline, Judith and Joanne
Tshirts and cycling shirts were distributed to team.
Joanne will get MS t shirts for the team to wear at night. Give sizes to Joanne by wed 22nd June.
Team name
Inverness Spinners
Commitment and confirmations
Completed team confirmed.
Costing confirmed at £370 per person for accom and travel
Funding coordinator
Co-signaturies – Karen and Hazel
Almost all monies have been received. Donella to help check on incoming and outgoing costs for Judith.
Joanne and Donna
Joanne has found massage in Bristol and Carlisle for Judith and Caroline. Lisa and Mel have confirmed Friday 29th at the Lovat. They will bring massage beds. Donna coordinating this. Lisa will link with Mel and 2 other friends. Nominal charge for massage.
Route planning
Jamie coordinating with Hugh and Alex. Day owners identified.
Plan based on Alex’s mate’s previous plan. Route update was agreed:
Friday 22nd – Lands end to Oakhampton
Sat 23rd – Oakhampton to Bristol
Sun 24th – Bristol to telford
Mon 25th – Telford to Preston
Tues 26th – Preston to Brampton/Carlisle
Wed 27th – Carlisle to kilmarnock
Thur 28th – Kilmarnock to crianlarich
Fri 29th – Crianlarich to Fort Augustus
Sat 30th- Fort Augustus to Brora
Sun 31st – Brora to John o groats
Total 928 miles approx
Days allocated to team for detailed planning. Jamie will produce day maps and directions. Day owners to give Jamie feedback on route by end of June.
Agreed on 100 mile plus days there will be 2 scheduled support stops – 30-40 miles and then again around 70 miles. On the shorter days there will be 1 scheduled support stop around 40 miles.
Jamie and day owners have finalised the route. Stop overs agreed – support vehicle will leave after the group, pass the group for the mid morning stop. See everyone through, pass the group and see everyone through the lunch stop. Afternoon stop will be without support as they carry on to hotel for check in.
Experienced cyclists are to take turns as sweep for the team each day.
Accommodation planning
All accom has been booked and paid for. Room configuration confirmed. Evening meals agreed – Judith to book tables in Sennen Cove, Oakhampton, Crianlarich, Fort Augustus and Brora. Other places we will decide the day before.
Team to pay for breakfasts and dinner (other than in hotels where breakfast is included).
Joanne, Hugh and Donella have organised their accom for the night of the 20th.
Bike transport to lands end and support vehicles
Iain and Caroline
Iain has hired with Thrifty. £50 for up to 4 drivers. Agreed drivers would be Hugh, Donella, Douglas and Joanne. Judith to transfer money to Joanne to cover costs of hire and insurance. Pick up 5-6.30pm at bannatynes on Tuesday 19th. Bikes to be in bike boxes. Judith will get day bags and bottles for loading into the van.
Caroline trying to get signage but proving tricky. Trying with Acorn signs now.
Fundraising and Sponsorship
All to promote website and just giving to raise sponsorship for team. Raffle boards – aiming to complete these before we go. Judith to check bannatyes have no more raffle boards left in reception.
Off line fundraised thus far £3300 once final costs taken account of. On line £1630. More funds from raffleboards and other sources coming in.
Donella and Joanne to get charity buckets for use on the trip to generate cash.
Fundraising Charities
Agreed to stick to 2 charities – currently MS society confirmed, SNAP is other local charity – aim to raise min of £15000 as a team.
Agreed for the MS society money to specify the money to remain in Scotland for patient activities. Joanne to confirm to Jamie if any changes are required to the justgiving site.
Caroline planning PR for the last weeks before we go as a team. Courier did editorial. Caroline updated group on the offer with the Lovat. Caroline to get business cards printed for the trip. Highland News and P&J may also run a story. MFR to be approached too.
Cycling log for the trip has been agreed with Caroline at the Lovat. Team members responsible for the route on the day will write the blog for the day. Agreed to use facebook as our main blog and all team members to get facebook account to allow them to input.
Travel to lands end
Judith, Hugh and Iain.
Judith has booked the Flybe flight. Train has also been booked. Team on the flight to meet at the airport on 21st July at 6am.
Support Vehicle is to be packed up on Tuesday 19th from 5-6.30pm at Bannatynes. Agreed bikes and bags will go in the van and those flying will just take hand luggage.
Equipment/bike parts
Clifford agreed to coordinate the parts now that Hazel cannot join the group. Agreed that dryboroughs deal on sale and return is fine. Clifford coordinating this. Agreed to have 2 spare bikes – Donella’s and Hugh’s in the van.
Each person to take min of 2 spare tubes. Hugh will take his track pump.
Bike servicing and maintenance
Jamie, Iain and Alan
Session run.
Daily food supplies
All in team to take their own snacks and buy in advance. Food for the next day will be organised the night before after we arrive at each hotel. Kitty agreed for lunches and snacks during the day. Some days we will stop at cafes where we can.
Everyone to carry carb powders and snacks with them, plus mobile and some money, to keep them going should there be any hiccups.
Fluid supplies
Joanne and Donella
Water will be stored in the van.
Washing/laundering plans
Judith checking with accommodation about laundering facilities. Most hotels have some limited laundry – team encouraged to bring hand wash liquid for cycling gear.
Travel back from John O Groats
All to encourage friends and family to be there at the end to help with travel back. Van will aim to deposit all bikes off on Sunday night at bannatynes at around 6pm on the 31st July.
Training plan
4 weeks of training to go until the cycle starts.
All team members have the contact details for others in the team and all need to be proactive in organising cycling opportunities.
Post challenge night out
Joanne and Donella
Agreed for meal out as a team sometime in August. Donella and Joanne to seek best date. Caroline to be invited as guest of team.
Website and just giving site
All to publicise the web and just giving site to friends and sponsors.
Web address is www.spanglefish.com/lejog2011/
Team building nights out
13th Nov completed.
Burns Night fundraiser on the 22nd Jan at Judith’s - completed
Team dinner at the Lovat on the 2nd April – completed.
Hear from the Inverness team who have just finished
Donna and Alex
To check how it went and what would they recommend we do etc.
First Aid kit and first aid training
Angus and Iain
Angus and Iain to make up first aid kit for cycle.
Iain suggested each individual in team may want to sign up for ETA support at £50 per person per year which provides AA function for cyclists anywhere in Britain.
Agreed we would not buy a team cycling insurance but each person can organise their own as required. Options are ETA, Scottish Cycling, CTC.
Notification of Police
Iain agreed to contact local police forces nearer the time.
Waky takies
Fiona has purchased a set.
Accidents on route
Agreed that if team members have an accident – the team must continue and therefore they need to accept they may be left to get home themselves.
Day bags and Bottles
Judith to pick up day bags from Bannatyes and has drink bottles for the trip.
Emergency contact
All to provide emergency contact person and phone number to Judith for the record.
Padlocks and Keys
Everyone to bring a bike lock to allow bikes to be tied up together at night.
Towels and bike cleaning
Everyone to take old towels/bike cleaner etc to clean up bike during trip.