Ley lines and the Pyramid
Chapter 12
The connection between the Pyramid on the British landscape and the Grail stories.
We will now return to the geometrical pyramidal shape that has been central to our investigation so far. In southern England, Neolithic man had much the same aim as the Pyramid builders in Egypt. When we consider the amount of man-hours employed to build just one feature such as Silbury Hill, this design or device made up of nodal points and Ley lines, like the purpose of the pyramids, must have been thought by their constructors to carry out a specific function. The Egyptian pyramids seem, to have been built ostensibly as funerary monuments and current opinion for their existence varies widely. One can assert that there was a gradual technological advancement in the construction methods of pyramids, because of past failures, collapses and mistakes on angles during construction, culminating in projects such as the six and a half million tons of limestone being used in making up the Cheops Pyramid.
Figure 26 Showing Silbury Hill, where archaeologists calculate that the hill was built about 2,500 BC and that it took 18 million man-hours, or 500 men working for 15 years.
The modern theory, without any other viable explanation, is that the pyramids were built purely for the satisfaction of the Pharaoh. This theory is based upon man’s supposed urge attested to in Genesis 11:4. ‘Let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach up to heaven; and let us make a name’. If they were used for funerary monuments in Egypt, why was it that in Mexico they were used for human sacrifice and yet the Mayans used their pyramid structures for both purposes? Why were the Mayans and the Aztecs building structures the same shape as the ancient Egyptians were building 3000 years earlier? The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan has exactly the same base area as the great pyramid of Cheops yet uses only two and a half million tons of rock due to its lesser angle and step construction, yet this too is astrologically aligned like Cheops, so one must ask, how are these similar constructions related? Why are the bases of the two pyramids so similar? How did the Egyptians achieve such accuracy with the ratio of height to circumference in the Great pyramid, which represents the squaring of the circle 1/ 2π? Did the Aztecs and Mayans lack the technological know-how, not having had the previous construction trials?
Basically, the Egyptians built pyramids according to simple gradients of 3:1 and 4:1, the 3:1 gradient giving 43.5 degrees and the 4:1 giving the 51°.52’. The latter is very close to the pyramid on the British landscape. This is very nearly the same height ratio between the two 18 and 26 foot pyramids that existed at Glastonbury. The Egyptians could have used a simple method of measuring long horizontal distances by counting the revolutions of a cylinder with the same unit as diameter. Creating the British pyramid in this fashion would have been a real achievement. Just how is it possible to roll a cylinder across the landscape and how did Melkin know with such precision that it is 104 nautical miles from Avebury to Burgh Island and how did he know of an angle of 13° between two invisible lines?
Across the millennia a similar shape has re-occurred in the shape of the pyramid, so what do they have in common, and why are they constructed?
The pyramid displays certain mathematical truths.
These constructions are astrologically aligned.
Huge amounts of Labour have been spent in their construction.
The essence of a pyramid reflects, for its builders the harmonies of mathematics which surround mankind daily within a four dimensional understanding. This is represented by its four sides rising from Mother Earth under the daily influence of the planets, being reflected by the alignments in its construction. The community of builders in a specific locale is representative as a microcosm of mankind’s empirical quest that rises and aspires to the analogous ‘pyramidion’ of full consciousness through the spirit, which started with Adam 6,000 years ago.
From the earliest dawn, when man's aspirations were thwarted in building the tower of Babel, so that he ‘might be as high as God’……… there has been left on his psyche (collective spiritual understanding), an indelible residue of this experience. Even if this story is allegorical, in essence it portrays a ‘truth in conceptual understanding’ that without man’s acceptance of God, no structure will be achieved and the construct of the pyramid is subliminally representative of that growth to full consciousness.
It is this sub-conscious imprint underlying in the psyche of the various communities that has attempted by means of construction, to satiate this desire or subliminal potential. It would seem that for this reason we have been left these various earthworks today. The likeness of huge spiritual endeavours, are built to honour their King or Pharaoh, yet to enshrine their mortality.
The pyramid builders likened their construction to the life of a man and mankind, influenced by the heavens while on earth (bound by time in four dimensions), yet urged by the indelible imprint to leave behind him a replica of his spiritual endeavour. The Pharaoh in death left behind him physical evidence in structure of this innate struggle that the Pharaoh’s had against what was a pre-set plan of God. These pyramid forms became subliminally representative of the overall spiritual endeavour of mankind. The modern mind cannot grasp the fact that at God’s intervention in Adam’s awareness, disobedience occurred in mankind in not wanting to hear God’s voice and this is borne out in Biblical stories of the Pharaoh’s lack of obedience. This form of disobedience came more from lack of awareness as a receptor until of course the Mosaic Law was established. It is this initial spark of Consciousness, implanted in Mankind that has seen his meteoric rise over the last six thousand years.
The pyramidal structure is an icon or testimony to man's four dimensional interrelatedness with the rest of the universe, that bears witness to his empirical upward growth and progression to the high point of his achievement. Each man's life is insignificant, yet part of the empirical structure of humankind's eventual spiritual achievement. As we shall cover shortly the Empires in this empirical pyramidal structure and their leaders such as Pharaoh, Darius and Alexander the Great feature in Man’s progression as witnessed in the Biblical prophets. It becomes clearer that these Empires and their leaders act as icons and are part of this construct of Time……… and as such are referenced by the prophets.
It is for this reason, that in the biblical scriptures, we hear subliminal references to this pyramid structure, in ‘the stone that the builders rejected’, referring to the pyramidion that rests upon the empirical structure and Jesus as a simile for the pyramidion, the ‘head of the cornerstone’. Those who don't accept Jesus as part of a definitive Divine Plan, are the builders who reject that there is a God. The Pyramid builders form, on one level of understanding, is representative of an individual’s work toward Gnosis in Biblical Time. On another level of understanding the pyramidal structure is a representation in form of Man's full development in consciousness and this consciousness, being based on form and structure (empirically built). This development is being built empirically over time by God according to a plan in this world, in a pre-set time structure and this work has only one aim, the elevation of Consciousness. It stands to reason that if there was no plan or structure, how could there be prophecy? Prophecy, by its very nature is the proof of structure, predicting in time the verifiable outcome of that planned structure in a different time, the understanding only being cognisant of these proofs through spiritual elevation.
Alternatively one could posit that prophecy is guesswork and reliant upon interpretation, but if this is the case, why is it that the three Abrahamic religions, are all based and believe in the biblical prophets? Presently not understanding yet perceiving the truths of the Prophets. How is it possible that such contrary bodies of dogma that have been contrived by the Abrahamic faiths or religions all agree or sub-consciously recognise the profound revelations and truths contained within the words of the prophets of Israel? Moreover is it not more astounding that ‘Mohamed’based his own truths on the prophets of Israel and the enmity between Islam and the Jewish and Christian faiths is based upon one or others better understanding of how to interpret the prophets. All the Abrahamic faiths believe in the prophets because they recognised the truth of what they said on an unconscious level, but did not have confirmation of the truth of what they prophesied because all three believe these scriptures truths only apply and relate to the time in history in which they refer. This is because they did not understand the nature of time. Yet it is these very proofs that are about to be unveiled and as Melkin foresaw, at a specific point in time.
The prophets not only spoke historically, of God’s plan concerning the Jews and Jerusalem but across time to all of mankind. Again we will delay this topic as we have already diverged too far from our present enquiry on the pyramidal structure.
Nearly all depictions of cross sections of the great Pyramid of Cheops today are drawn from a perspective of the artist standing on the eastern side of the pyramid. Taking note of the similarity of position of the St. Michael Ley Line and the Joseph line which are now part of the British pyramid construct, and which exit the pyramid on the right hand side one can see that there is a similarity to the air shafts on the Great Pyramid. If we place an overlay of a technical drawing of the Great Pyramid of Cheops on top of our pyramid, we can then see if there are any similarities.
It seems pertinent that this British Pyramid being in the West should be viewed from a Western perspective. One can observe from the overlay of the Great Pyramid, (viewed from the West), on top of our constructed Pyramid upon the British landscape, some astonishing similarities between them in figure 27. However, there are some limitations to this overlay and in attempting a similar exercise, we should be aware that it is impossible to bend a pane of glass around a spherical object. There is some distortion at the corners of the overlay in that, they appear upturned against a curved earth.
Figure 27 Showing the Great pyramid of Cheops overlaid on the British landscape with the alignment to Cheops from the air shaft.
The reader will notice that in figure 27, those which are commonly referred to as the airshafts to the king and Queen's Chambers within the overlaid pyramid of Cheops, exactly align to the points on which the St. Michael Ley Line and the Joseph Line exit the pyramid on the right hand side. This could of course be coincidence, so let us extend southwards the air shafts, from what has now become the left-hand side of the flipped pyramid image.
Another remarkable coincidence seems to occur, which shows the airshaft from the Kings chamber running straight through Avebury and landing precisely on the top of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, 1,950 miles away (figure 28). This would seem more than just a coincidence, when one considers the fact that we have just overlaid the drawing of the Great Pyramid onto a pyramidal shape originally started by Megalithic man. If we consider that this may have been architecturally designed and finished by British Neolithic man this seems farfetched. But these people may in turn have been descendants of Judah coming from Egypt. Don’t forget it was Melkin who informed us that Scotland was named after Scota, Pharaoh’s daughter.
This design, embodying physical features on the British landscape, appears to have existed since the Neolithic age but in the early fourteen hundreds, it becomes apparent that another rebuilding or renovation of the design took place with the appearance of the St. Michael churches. The accuracy of this design seems to correlate with other ancient man-made features on the globe.
It should be noted that, if the angle of the line had been off by 1° over the distance of 1,950 miles; this line drawn within the top air shaft, running through the centre of Avebury across Europe into Africa, would have passed 35 miles distant from the Great Pyramid. It, in fact runs exactly to the centre of where the pyramidion of the Great pyramid would have been.
It is also interesting to note at this point, the relationship between Avebury and the Great pyramid of Cheops.
Figure 28 Showing the Great circle route from Avebury to the Great pyramid of Cheops at Latitude 30°.
Geographically, the line drawn between Avebury and the Great Pyramid, constitutes the ‘Great circle route’ between the two points, and at these points, subtends at an angle with the horizontal line of latitude. At Avebury, the Great circle route creates an angle of 30° with the horizontal latitude line at 51° north. At Cheops however, conversely, an angle of 51° is created with the horizontal latitude line at 30° north as seen in figure 28. Another extraordinary coincidence is the fact that the base angles of the pyramid on the British landscape of 51°. 25, are precisely the latitude of the centre of Avebury which is 51° 25’N.
If one was to carry out the same procedure with the lower air passage that connects with the Queen's chamber on the left of the pyramid and to follow its progress across the English Channel into France, one would find that it falls exactly on the Old Temple site of the Knights Templar in Paris, just north of Notre Dame Cathedral, right in the heart of the ancient city of Paris.
Notre Dame Cathedral, as well as Chartres Cathedral were built by the same guild of Masons who possessed the arcane and occult knowledge that was embodied and became infused into the Templar organisation. This occult architectural knowledge was handed down through the centuries. The Templars in effect, pooled arcane and scientific knowledge which existed across Europe from the aristocratic estates and places of learning including of course material trophies from foreign lands. It was the Templars, or the residue of the disbanded organisation, as we shall discover shortly, who were responsible for the construction of all the St. Michael churches that have acted as markers on the British pyramidal design. The other coincidence is that, if we look for more alignments involving the Archangel’s name, it appears to coincide with the overlaid Cheops pyramid. At the bottom left-hand corner of figure 29, the upper red line running parallel to the passage leading to the underground chamber beneath the pyramid of Cheops runs, directly to the hermitage island of Skellig Michael from Michael’s Rock, now called Burgh Island. Skellig Michael translates from Irish as‘Michael’s Rock’ and from there, we can see another alignment that runs also from Skellig Michael through St. Michael's Mount in Marazion and onto Mont St. Michel in France, but we shall return to investigate these alignments further on.
Figure 29 Showing the St. Michael alignments from Skellig Michael through St. Michael’s mount to Mont St. Michel.
If we have a close look at figure 29 we can also see that St. Michael’s Rock (Island of Sarras) is in the passage to the underground chamber
Figure 30 Showing the airshaft alignments and the underground passage to the Island of Sarras.
It is also a coincidence that the ‘Joseph line’runs directly through Dragon Hill where the Uffington horse is found. Dragon hill is the supposed site of where St. George killed the Dragon while the Archangel Michael performed the same deed in the Book of Revelation.
Herodotus records a legend which refers to an island in the vaults of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is said to be surrounded by water brought from the Nile by underground canals. It is known today that there never were any such canals, but it is another remarkable coincidence that, in our overlay, the legendary island of Ictis (Burgh Island, fig 30) is located in the subterranean passage that leads to the vault beneath the pyramid.
This quiet little island known as Burgh Island today, has featured at different points in history with different names but is best known as the Island of Avalon where we now know that Joseph of Arimathea’s and Jesus’s bodies were laid to rest.
Could the island of Ictis also be the island of Sarras that features in the Grail stories? The Lancelot-Grail places Sarras in association with Egypt. Is this pyramid over Great Britain built upon that same island of Sarras at the very point that the underground passage passes through the island? Sarras is a mystical island to which the Holy Grail is transported in some of the Grail romances. In the Lancelot-Grail cycle, Joseph of Arimathea and his group visit the island on their way to Britain. As a first port of call, why would they not be using the same island as Joseph of Arimathea used as a tin merchant? The Romance story goes that, while there Joseph's son Josephes, is invested as a bishop and shown the mysteries of the Grail by Christ himself. The group wins many converts, and moves on to Britain where they establish a great line of kings.
As we have covered, allegory plays a big part in the Grail romances, the Lancelot Grail story making reference, from the ancient Grail book written by Melkin to the line of kings as being kings of Sarras. This island in the Grail stories most probably deriving its name by long association with the Zarah line not forgetting it was Sarragosa in Spain where Zerah’s youngest was last documented. This seems to agree with Melkin's genealogy of a royal hereditary lineage involving Joseph and possibly as we shall see Jesus. The Egyptian connection to Sarras however can be understood to be arrived at from two possible interpretations. One for the misunderstanding of ‘Spiritual Egypt’ as expressed by the meaning of the Grail, or the other from the Island of Sarras allegorically existing within the confines of the base of the British pyramid.
The British connection of Sarras with Egypt would only have been made if the earliest Grail authors (the original translator/s from Latin to a French version) had seen, Melkin’s Book of the Grail, that supplied the congruity to each of the Grail stories. This is the book from which, each of early French Grail writers allegorised the substance. The connection between Sarras could be from a direct link to Zerah from information derived from the original Grail book while the association with Egypt could only be a muddled interpretation of passing ‘out of Egypt’ as part of the ‘degrees’to spiritual enlightenment.
Mr W. D. Nash a commentator on the" Seynt Graal," states that the story is not of British origin, as it relates to the Graal. From the Seynt Graal text we can recognise little of Melkin’s understanding of what the Graal as a religious rite, originally meant to him. Mr Nash confirms the date 717 AD as given by Helinand, as the time when the story was ‘first revealed to a certain hermit’. He then goes on to say that ‘an astonishing assertion is elsewhere made (referring to Helinands text) that the Latin book, the true original, was written by no mortal hand’. He then continues ‘I forbear to quote the blasphemy further but we may acquit Walter Map, I hope, of daring to originate such a lie himself’.
So it would seem that because Walter Map (an early Grail writer) confirms this date……… there indeed was discussion about whether he was the inventor of this story. There are few other Grail romance commentators who believe this extract from Helinand to be from such an early date but the fact that a hermit (monk) wrote it in Latin, first witnessed in 707AD, about events that transpired in England, but appearing in France, would seem to concur with Melkin being the Author and the book travelling abroad.
It is possible that ‘Lancelot’ is an allegorical name, given personality from the same material. As we saw, Camelot became a city from an allegory of a Jewish practise that is part precognition of the quest of the Graal. So too might Jesus be referred to as, ‘the one hidden from the east’, in ‘l’unceloc, from ‘celare’, meaning ‘to hide or conceal’, or from ‘cella’ as an underground room in which he rests and this might even be the cause of the lake appearing in grail literature as in Lancelot du Lac instead of l’oc meaning‘from the occident’.
After they achieve the Grail the knights Galahad, Percival, and Bors return the Grail to Sarras aboard Solomon's ship. As Joseph of Arimathea was known to be Jewish, probably from Jerusalem, and especially if he came from the Davidic line, why would he not be using, what came to be recorded locally as, Solomon’s ship in allegory. The Grail stories are all allegorically interlaced with historical events and truths, where Joseph’s offspring are interchangeable with Joseph, and events occur in an anachronistic manner.
The Welsh term for Avalon is Affalach, but it is also the name of the Celtic Goddess and Modron’s father, who was said to rule an otherworldly island. William of Malmesbury puts Modron’s father’s residence at Avalon. It is no coincidence that his name sounds like Evalach, king of Sarras, since the islands of Avalon and Sarras are one and the same. Once the connection has been made between the island we associate with Joseph of Arimathea as a tin merchant going to Ictis, the interchange of names in the Grail stories becomes less confusing.
Now it becomes a little clearer why Joseph of Arimathea found king Affalach, king of Britain's Otherworld, in Egypt, if the British Pyramid became the Kings temporal Castle. In the Grail romances, the Fisher King came from Corbenic. The Grail king, known as the fisher king, (Jesus being the fisher of men and king of the Jews) or Roi pesheor lay with dolourous wounds in his Grail castle corbenic. The references in the Grail stories to the corner stone, Eygypt and Babylon as we will cover are scriptural allegories which will become apparent as we progress.
The stone which the builders rejected (the head of the corner stone) is in effect Jesus being synonymous with the pyramidion, from where it is missing on our landscape pyramid 3.2 miles below Whitelow cairn, that point on the overlay pyramid where it would sit and cross the axis, we find the radius scribing through the Island of Sarras where the body of Jesus is located as seen in figure 18. The Fisher King's dolorous woundis most probably a metaphorical reference to Jesus’ spear wounds, or perhaps a misconstrued reference to Arthur, after he was taken to the Isle of Avalon to recover from his wounds following his final battle in Cornwall.
It would not be by coincidence that, if one was to change one letter from, ‘Roi pescheor’, the Fisher King becomes the king of the sinners as ‘Roi Peshor’. The allegory is so powerfully mixed in, that the Grail castle is somehow in Egypt, yet at the same time found in the island of Sarras which exists on another plane and is never found by looking for it. It should be remembered that the main hall of the castle where the Grail manifests itself is square, this seemingly correlating with the base of the pyramid passing through Burgh Island but only in one plane.
Again it might appear coincidental, that this metaphor in language of ‘fire in the midst’ or pyr-amides in the Grail castle seems to correlate with the objective in the construction of the main Pyramid at Giza, which was to send that Pharaoh into the afterlife. .
The Fisher King's Castle, being called“Corbenic” translates perfectly without any change in pronunciation in the French to cors-benit meaning “sacred corner” and the pyramidal structure being the ultimate corner stone.
A ‘pyramidion’ is the uppermost piece or capstone of an Egyptian pyramid. They were called benbenet in the Ancient Egyptian language, which associated the pyramid as a whole with the sacred ‘Benben Stone’, in Egypt's old kingdom. The Benben stone in the pyramid texts was the original mountain that rose out from the primordial waters Nu and on which the God Atum settled. Does this hark back to the beginnings of self-awareness, Man’s past and potential being, subconsciously reflected in the form, creating the need to form or construct. Atum himself occasionally is referred to as the actual mound in these texts; so is the mound rising out of primordial waters, the dawning of the structure of consciousness which would also correlate with the story of mankind’s spiritual elevation as God’s work as related in the Bible?
The Benben stone was a sacred stone in the Solar Temple of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. It was the precursor of Capstones and Obelisks. To an Egyptian mind the Benben stone sat on top of all pyramidal structures in Egypt. The Phoenix was also known as the Bennu bird which lives on the Benben stone. Jesus the resurrected one, like a Phoenix is also referred to as the “head of the corner”, thus synonymous with the capstone of the cornerstone. Did this Pyramidion ever exist atop the great Pyramid or was it the example and primordial stone that the builders rejected?
The pyramid is metaphorical of the upward empirical growth of each soul in every lifetime, the ultimate goal of which would be illuminated atop, by a Golden Pyramidion. To put it another way, the pyramid is indicative of spiritual growth in the four dimensional world, the point of which is the empirical construct beneath, holding aloft the head of the cornerstone, i.e. spiritual attainment. To follow this through metaphorically, the Phoenix is the bird which burns by fire and is afterwards resurrected. Pyr-amides being another way of saying fire in the midst; fire being substituted or transliterated biblically as judgment, the bird being a metaphor for the spirit; which finally renders the consolidated subliminal message; “the spirit is resurrected by God’s judgement in the structure of the Divine plan”.
On a subjective level, the ancient Egyptians objective in making these pyramids was to purify their Pharaoh’s souls by fire in the afterlife. (The spirit if it is not killed or ’deadened’ during life while in the flesh, fuses with the soul during our lifetime, thus carrying the soul “alive” into the afterlife. It is theologically posited that those who have not kept their spirit alive during their lifetime; will have their soul permeate down to Sheol, to await rebirth in the flesh. This cycle continues until flesh and soul are fused during a lifetime (Gnosis), to gain entrance to what we can only assume as heaven.
The gospel writers bear witness through the words of Jesus and most religions attest also that this ‘Heaven’ exists on different planes.
The pyramidal structure being emblematic of the four dimensional world, empirically constructed and understood, as synonymous with a personal lifetime or likewise as the overall travail to Gnosis of Mankind. The sole aim, metaphorically speaking, is to be capped with a Pyramidion, the ‘all seeing eye’, or knowledge of God's creation (self-awareness), becoming the completed construct spiritually; the essence of life itself and the objective of our sojourn in ‘Time’.
So returning to the other pyramids in question, why is it marked on an ancient pyramid in Glastonbury specifically the names of Brent Knoll and Montacute? From Burgh Island (St. Michael’s rock) one line defines the Joseph line through Montacute to Avebury. However from the same island on the base of our pyramid……we can draw a line through Glastonbury to Harnhill as it crosses the St. Michael ley line seen in figure 21a. The other line from the other island of St. Michael’s Mount also on the Lyonesse line through Brent Knoll, defines a point where they intersect on our pyramid’s axis again at Harnhill. It is from this same point from which we drew a circle tangential to all sides of the pyramid at Harnhill, if we were to increase the radius to the plateau where the pyramidion supposedly stood on Cheops, that same circumference comes right back through Burgh Island as seen in figure 18. It would be coincidence except, the line derived from Avebury through Montacute, (the other named place on the pyramid at Glastonbury), is where Father Good also sent us to find the Joseph line and this leads us precisely to the ‘Huers hut’ on Burgh Island, exactly 104 nautical miles from Avebury as Melkin directed.
Figure 31 Showing Avebury stone Circle within which the St. Michael and the Joseph line Bifurcate according with Melkin’s prophecy.