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2014 Children's "Dig for Victory" Competition

This Spring children in Nairnshire were challenged to plant up a "Dig for Victory" container or bed of edible plants and Victoria Cross poppies. Mr Fothergill's donated the poppy seeds. Judging took place in August and the results are as follows:


1st   Millbank Primary School Gardening Club

2nd Rosebank Primary Scool Blue Planet Eco group

Individual container:

1st  Ellie Atkinson

2nd  Ruth Hamilton

Having won the Spring Bulb competition, Ruth was also awarded the "Young Gardener of the Year" Cup

3rd  Alasdair Beaton

Individual bed:

1st  Scott Adams

2nd  Christopher Cowie

KNC would like to thank the judge Robert Cunningham, Broadley Garden Centre and Green's Nurseries for the prizes and Highland Council for their support.



2013 Children's "Edible" Competition

In April Children under 16 years of age and living in Nairnshire were asked to plant up a bed or container with anything edible - herbs, vegetables, fruit or flowers.

The judging took place at the end of June and the results are as follows:

Schools' container:

1st: Millbank Primary School Gardening Club

2nd:  Nairn Academy Additional Needs Support Class


Individual Container:

1st: Alasdair Beaton

The Young Gardener of the Year Cup has been awarded to Alasdair Beaton

2nd: Emily Smith


3rd: Lucy Smith


Commended: Erin Baudains

KNC would like to thank the judge Robert Cunningham, Broadley Garden Centre for hosting the prize-giving and Highland Council for their support.



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