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The quizzes on this page will be ten questions in length. Most will be General Knowledge, but occasionaly I will put in one with 'a subject'.

Quiz 1    General Knowledge
  1. What does the French question “Comment allez-vous” mean? (How are you?)
  2. Of which football club did Matt Busby become manager in 1945? (Manchester United)
  3. Which type of cell is used to make ‘electric eyes’ that work automatic doors? (Photoelectric cell)
  4. Which car manufacturer produced a Baby and a Severn? (Austin)
  5. Which early female movie star became known at “The World’s Sweetheart”? (Mary Pickford)
  6. Which company developed the Walkman? ( Sony)
  7. In modern times, which English resort became the first to have a nudist beach? (Brighton)
  8. ‘Ars gratia artis’ is the Latin motto of which film studio? ( MGM – means Arts for art’s sake)
  9. In Britain in which year did woman vote for the first time a) 1911 b)1918 c)1922     (1918)
  10. Which has the longer coastline, Africa or Europe?   (Europe)
Quiz 2    General Knowledge
  1. Which is the largest city in Canada? (Toronto)
  2. What are O’Dononhue’s White Horses ? (Foaming waves)
  3. What would a pantophagist eat? (Anything)
  4. In “Peter and The Wolf” which instruments represent Peter? (Violins)
  5. Which of Robin Hood’s men was the son of a miller? (Much)
  6. FIDE is the governing body of which game? (Chess)
  7. Which colour is tradionally associated with Roman emperors? (Purple)
  8. What is the more common name for grape-sugar ? (Glucose)
  9. When referring to a woman, what is the literal meaning of the word nubile? (Marriageable)
  10. Which is England’s oldest daily newspaper? (The Times)
Quiz 3   General Knowledge
  1. Which motor racing ream is named after India’s sacred flower? (Lotus)
  2. Geographically, what is an inch? (A small island)
  3. The protein casein is present in which common foodstuffs? (Milk products)
  4. What does the Dewey Decimal System classify? (Library books)
  5. In legend, who was the last King of Troy? (Priam)
  6. Which country is the major exporter of Teak? ( Mynamar (Burma))
  7. What did the rat eat in the house that Jack built? (Malt)
  8. In blood, plasma consists of red corpuscles, white corpuscles, and ?   (Platelets)
  9. To which saint is Westminster Abbey dedicated? (St. Peter)
  10. What is fired from a Very pistol? (Flares)
Quiz 4   General Knowledge
The following abbreviations have all come into use in recent years. What do they stand for?
  1. K    ( Thousand - 1,000)
  2. WYSIWYG    (What you see is what you get)
  3. PC   (personal computer OR politically correct)
  4. NIMBY   (not in my back yard)
  5. PIN (personal identification number)
  6. RSI (repetitive strain injury)
  7. ATM (automated teller machine (cash machine))
  8. BSE ( bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease))
  9. DBS   (direct broadcast by satellite)
  10. CD-Rom (compact disc with read only memory)
Quiz 5 General Knowledge
  1. How often does the Phoenix rise from the ashes? (Every 500 years)
  2. Which part of the human body uses 40% of the blood’s oxygen? (Brain)
  3. Which element has the Atomic Number 1 ? (Hydrogen)
  4. What is a fedora? (A hat)
  5. In Genesis, which land is said to be east of Eden? (Nod)
  6. How old is a quadragenarian? (40)
  7. Which flower is the badge of the Boy Scouts? (Fleur de Lis)
  8. Which bird was once known as a halcyon? (Kingfisher)
  9. Alpha acid gives the bitter taste to what? (Beer)
  10. Which flower is sometimes known as the Lent Lily? (Daffodil)
    MINI QUIZ 6                GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
    1.        Which word is a convenient anagram of the name of the twentieth-century poet T S ELLIOT? (TOILETS)
    2.        Robert Menzies was a former prime minister of which country? (Australia)
    3.        What number does the Roman numeral C stand for? (100)
    4.        What has the body of a lion and the head of a human? (The Sphinx)
    5.        Which Frenchman gave his name to an item worn by ballet dancers? (Leotard)
    6.        Which motorway goes east-to-west across the Pennines, in England? (M62)
    7.        In which century was explorer David Livingstone born? (Nineteenth Century)
    8.        How many members were there in the original line up of Boyz ll Men? (Four)
    9.        What does a Geiger counter detect? ( Radioactivity)
    10.     How many countries did Alfredo di Stefano play international football for? (Three)
    1.        On a ship what is the name for the holes that allow water to run off of the deck? (Scuppers)
    2.        In what type of building would a dossal be hung? (Church)
    3.        Belize changed its name from what? (British Honduras)
    4.        Most of the Earth’s surface is covered in what?   (Water)
    5.        In tennis, what is the name of a serve that isn’t returned? (An Ace)
    6.        What type of food is a langoustine? (Shellfish)
    7.        Where are the Crown Jewels kept? (Tower of London)
    8.        What is a sulky? (A small cart in harness racing)
    9.        Which was the first name to be used by eight kings of England? (Henry)
    10.     Which bird named band flew into the Hotel California? (Eagles)
    1.        Which household cleaner was developed by Harry Pickup? (Harpic)
    2.        If you were born on New Year’s Eve what would be your birth flower? (Narcissus)
    3.        In which city is the US Tennis Open held? (New York)
    4.        Guinness was first made in which Irish city? (Dublin)
    5.        Phidippides was the first winner of which type of epic race? (Marathon)
    6.        All citrus fruit is rich in which vitamin? (Vitamin C)
    7.        In London, Richmond is on which river? (The Thames)
    8.        In song, what did Tony Bennett leave in San Francisco? (His heart)
    9.        What colour is paprika? (Red)
    10.     Which month was named after Mars, the god of war? (March)
    1.        Which is the driest inhabited country in the world? (Egypt)
    2.        Which country has the Internet code .br? (Brazil)
    3.        Baku is the capital of which country on the Caspian Sea? (Azerbaijan)
    4.        Where is the Forbidden City? (Bejing, China)
    5.        Which Egyptian city is Africa’s largest? (Cairo)
    6.        Greenwich Village is in which part of New York? (Manhattan)
    7.        In which country is the city of Accra? (Ghana)
    8.        Which is the largest of the Earth’s oceans? (Pacific)
    9.        Which was the first national park established in the USA in 1872? (Yellowstone)
    10.     Do the Great Lakes of North America contain fresh water or salt water? (Fresh water)
    1.        What colour is the inside of a pistachio nut? (Green)
    2.        Gesso is a form of which decoration? (Gilt)
    3.        What colour appears along with white on the Polish flag? (Red)
    4.        How many straight lines are there in a plus sign? (Two)
    5.        What is the epicarp of an orange? (The peel)
    6.        How many carats are there in pure gold? (24)
    7.        In the Bible, what is St Luke’s profession? (Doctor)
    8.        Which creatures live in formicary? (Ants)
    9.        Ian Fleming’s home in Jamaica shared its name with which Bond film? (GoldenEye)
    10.     In chess, how many squares can a king move at a time? (One)
    1.        Which engine had friends called Henry and Bertie the Bus? (Thomas the Tank Engine)
    2.        In which month is St Patrick’s Day? (March)
    3.        How many pounds are there in a stone? (Fourteen)
    4.        Alphabetically, which is the last in the list of planets in our Solar system? (Venus)
    5.        In ten-pin bowling, how many pins are there in the back row? (Four)
    6.        Which day of the week is named after the god Woden? (Wednesday)
    7.        Which element has the atomic number one? (Hydrogen)
    8.        In heraldry, which colour is called argent? (Silver)
    9.        Who composed the 1812 Overture? (Tchaikovsky)
    10.     What is fired from a crossbow? (Bolts)
    1.        Which organ of the body secrets insulin? (Pancreas)
    2.        The shortest day in the northern hemisphere is in which month? (December)
    3.        What is a small section of garlic called? (Clove)
    4.        Which was the first newspaper to publish a daily weather chart? (The Times (London))
    5.        In which country is the Great Sandy Desert? (Australia)
    6.        Which seeds are in the sweet Halva? (Sesame seeds)
    7.        Which word goes with pocus in magic? (Hocus)
    8.        An average man has twenty square feet of what about his person? (Skin)
    9.        How many sides of a scalene triangle are equal? (None)
    10.     Our solar system lies in which galaxy? (The Milky Way)
    1.        When do nocturnal creatures sleep? (In the daytime)
    2.        What spirit is made from fermented sugar cane? (Rum)
    3.        Which planet is third from the sun in our solar system? (Earth)
    4.        Who was the Egyptian god of the underworld? (Osiris)
    5.        Who was the lead singer with Culture Club? (Boy George)
    6.        Which city is closer to the sea, London or New York? (New York)
    7.        What is nitrous oxide more commonly called? (Laughing gas)
    8.        Which animal can be described as ursine? (A bear)
    9.        Which extinct flightless bird has the Latin name Didus ineptus? (Dodo)
    10.     Which sort of events take place according to the title of the tv series set in Midsommer? (Murders)
    1.        According to the proverb, one man’s meat is another man’s what? (Poison)
    2.        In which country did karaoke singing originate? (Japan)
    3.        What does a herpetologist study? (Reptiles)
    4.        On a computer keyboard which vowel is not on the top row of letters? (A)
    5.        What is the other name for grape-sugar? (Glucose)
    6.        What is next prime number after 7? (11)
    7.        Where in the cell is DNA stored? (Nucleus)
    8.        Which country has the Internet code .lt? (Lithuania)
    9.        What was the Australian capital city before Canberra? (Melbourne)
    10.     Pearl celebrates which wedding anniversary? (Thirtieth)
Page Last Updated - 25/03/2008
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