SpanglefishHighland Science Festival | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 20/09/2014.

Programme 2008 

We may not be the biggest festival in the Highlands...

We may not be the most established one...

But we guarantee to give you some of the liveliest people and topics we can find!

Here's the programme from the recent Festival.

Disathairne 1 Samhain
Saturday 1 November

12:15 pm, Festival Opening, Borders Bookstore, Inbhir Nis

extreme lecture12:30 pm, The world's shortest physics lecture! Borders Bookstore, Inbhir Nis

extreme lecturetravelling scholar event2:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, The shaping of the Cairngorms, Aonach Room, Cairngorm Railway Base Station, An Càrn Gorm

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: Uranus and Neptune, The new JSL Observatory,  Blàr Chùil Lodair (Culloden Battlefield)

Didòmhnaich 2 Samhain (Sunday)

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: Star Clusters, The new JSL Observatory

Diluain 3 Samhain (Monday)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, The Old Inn, Geàrrloch:
Everything but a Comet and The Bear and the Ship

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: The Messier Objects, The new JSL Observatory

Dimàirt 4 Samhain (Tuesday)

7:00 pm, Dirty Snowballs, The Green House, Inbhir Nis

7:30 pm, The Night Sky in Video and Making a Comet
The Green House

travelling scholar event8 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Talla nan Ròs, Ceann-à-Ghuibhsaich (Kingussie):
The Door of the Wind, The Doors of the Rain

Diciadain 5 Samhain (Wednesday)

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: Planetary Nebulae and Multiple Stars,The new JSL Observatory

Diardaoin 6 Samhain (Thursday)

4:00 pm, We have lift-off! - taking up the huge potential of Spaceport Scotland, The Green House, Inbhir Nis

4:30 pm, Lecture in UHI Executive Office, Inbhir Nis

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: The Moon - The Lunar 100 (the first 50),The new JSL Observatory

Dihaoine 7 Samhain (Friday)

extreme lecture7:30 pm, Whisky Making - Art or Science? Glen Ord Distillery, Am Blàr Dubh (Muir of Ord)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Community Hall, A' Chomraich (Applecross):
Everything but a Comet and A Creative Transition

8:30 pm, Observing the Night Sky: The Moon - The Lunar 100 (the second 50),The new JSL Observatory

Disathairne 8 Samhain (Saturday)

10:30 am, Café Scientifique, Storehouse of Foulis, Foulis Ferry, Evanton: Has complementary medicine been properly evaluated?

1:30 pm, The Stars and the Gardens, Floral Hall, Inbhir Nis

Didòmhnaich 9 Samhain (Sunday)

There are no activities or talks today

Diluain 10 Samhain (Monday)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Putting it into practice - renewable energy for home and business, The Pavilion, Black Isle Showground, Am Blàr Dubh (Muir of Ord)

Dimàirt 11 Samhain (Tuesday)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Dornoch & District Social Club, Dòrnach:
Observing the Night Sky

Diciadain 12 Samhain (Wednesday)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, The Old Brewery, Cromba (Cromarty): The Bear and the Ship and The Mathematics of Why I Don't Have a Boyfriend

Diardaoin 13 Samhain (Thursday)

4:30 pm, Lecture in UHI Executive Office, Inbhir Nis

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Coigach Community Hall, Aichillidh Bhuidhe (Achiltibuie): Seeing Life Through a New Light and A Creative Transition

Dihaoine 14 Samhain (Friday)

travelling scholar event3:00 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Sunflowers, Seashells and Green Shoots of Spring
Highland Theological College, Inbhir Pheofharain (Dingwall)

travelling scholar event7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Arainn Shuaneirt, Sron an-t Sitheinn (Strontian): A Creative Transition and Making the Changes through Community Choice

Disathairne 15 Samhain (Saturday)

8:30 am departure for coach trip to the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh with Highlands Astronomical Society

extreme lecturetravelling scholar event7:00 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Fortrose Cathedral (yes, really!):
It was the Wizard: Michael Scot and Medieval Science

Special post-Festival event
Diciadain 28 Faoilleach 2009 (Wednesday 28 January)

travelling scholar event

7:30 pm, The Travelling Scholars, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Sleite, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach: The Door of the Wind, The Doors of the Rain

NOTE: A few events are still to be confirmed. Also, details of events are rather like the state of the global economy liable to change from time to time. So it's always best to check this website before you attend any of the events. On the other hand, life is intrinsically unpredictable as we explained in Sunflowers, Seashells and Green Shoots of Spring in Dingwall on Friday 14. Anyway, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to use our Enquiries Page.

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