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The Society had been looking for ways to increase interest in learning and speaking German.  What better way than through the medium of cinema?

Join us for a viewing of the film 'Another German Tank Story' (in German, with English subtitles). at Eden Court on Thurs 30th January 2025 at 6pm! The film is part of the Fokus, Films From Germany festival, a Scotland-wide festival celebrating German cinema throughout January and February 2025. Tickets will be available from late December from

Here's some more info about the film, from Fokus: 
2024 | Director: Jannis Alexander Kiefer | Germany | 96 min | German with English subtitles.
Usually, nothing ever happens in Wiesenwalde. But now war has broken out — at least on camera, as a major series is being filmed. There is plenty of commotion behind the scenes, too. While a power outage triggers anxiety, a journalist feels he is
on to a big story, and old disputes resurface: The mayor must contend with a tank that has been left in front of the town hall.

You can view the trailer here:

After the film you are welcome to head upstairs to the community table for an informal German conversation session. Whether you're a complete beginner or a fluent speaker, this session is open to everyone who would like to chat about the film and practice their German in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

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