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Highland German Society
Programme for 2024/25.

Here is our programme for 2024/25.

2nd October 2024: before commercial passenger flights in aircraft became possible and viable, airship travel appeared to be the answer.  Much of the pioneering work was done in Germany and for a while this appeared to be the future of long-distance air travel.  Neil Campbell will tell us the story;

6th November 2024:  Gisela Cumming will talk about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the re-unification of Germany;

4th December 2024: our annual Weihnachtsfeier;

8th January 2025: as part of her German studies at school, Isobel Allan undertook several exchange visits with students from Germany.  She will tell us about her experiences;

5th February 2025: Thomas Mann’s novel “Buddenbrooks” is one of the great landmarks of German and European literature, which earned the author the Nobel prize.  However, it was controversial at the time and some of the fictional characters were very close to real people. Birgit Mackie will tell us about the book and its legacy;

5th March 2025: the post-war creation of the Federal Republic formed part of the transition of our relationship with Germany from enemy to friend and ally.  How did our new relationship evolve and what role did popular music play in this process?  Richard Baxter looks at how our views of German culture was reflected through our joint tastes in popular music, from rock’n’roll to techno.

2nd April 2025: the Annual General Meeting.

We hope that there is plenty here to interest you and look forward to seeing you.

All meetings will start at 1900. 

And we have a new venue, the Inverness Highland Bowling Club in Auldcastle Road, Inverness, IV2 3PZ.


Richard Baxter (secretary)

M: 07711548971






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