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Track day
04 October 2010

We held our third WoSG track day yesterday which gave us the chance to show off a few recent enhancements to the line. The weather was quite kind as the rain stopped just as proceedings got under way and the day slowly improved thereafter. Inevitably visiting loco's managed to find the dodgy spots on the recently relaid Knockmore/McAlpine's Embankment section. Another job for the Chief Engineer to get round to.

There was plenty of steam on display.  Tom brought Roland's Garratt which performed quite creditably once it had warmed up. We did learn that it is not keen on tight curves. Ian W brought his WD Hunslet and an augmented rake of coaches, including the one that was completed late on Saturday night. Pat's Regner Konrad demonstrated the climbing and pulling capabilities of a geared loco and didn't need any banking assistance from Tinkerbelle (Ross - thanks for watering the Pyracantha). Ian W's Atlantic narrowly avoided becoming our first serious casualty after parting company with the track on the embankment but fortunately the mud wiped off.

As always the Catering Manager played a blinder and we were well fed.


WikanikoWork from Home
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