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Prices start at just £2,950 for a basic 20 note organ


20 note hand-turned book operated organ

3 Bass

8 Accompaniment 

9 Melody

Contains 20 pipes all of the stoppered flute variety.

Basic case plus simple painted front. See the "Melody Maker" on the photo gallery for an example of this type of organ.

Variations of this basic model are listed on the book playing organ page.

35/36 note book playing organ

Prices start at just £8,650 for the basic model.


6 Bass

10 Accompaniment

19 melody

Pipework comprises 1 rank each of Bass and Accompaniment pipes. 

Melody comprises 1 rank Bourdons, 1 rank of Violins, both on individual stop controls. 

Variations of this basic model are listed on the book playing organ page.


31 note book playing organ

(35 note Limonaire scale)



 6 Bass

6 Accompaniment

19 Melody

Pipework comprises 1 rank of stopped flutes on Bass and Accompaniment, and 1 rank of violins on Melody.


28 note book playing organ

Prices start at just £7,650

for the basic model.


5 Bass

9 Accompaniment

14 Melody

Pipework comprises 1 rank each of Bass and Accompaniment pipes.

Melody  comprises 1 rank of Bourdons and 1 rank of Violins, both on individual stop controls.

Variations of this basic model are listed on the book playing organ page.



20 note roll playing organs

Prices start at just £2,950

for the basic model 


Bass 3 

Accompaniment  8

Melody 9

Contains 20 pipes, all of the stoppered flute variety.

Variations of the basic model can be found on the roll playing organ page.


26 note roll playing organ 

Prices start at just £3,550 for the basic model.


 Bass 5

Accompaniment 8

Melody 13

Contains 26 pipes, all of the stoppered flute variety.

 Variations of the basic model can be found on the roll playing page. 





Delivery of all our organs, to the U.K. mainland, can be arranged at cost.






Page Last Updated - 08/07/2016
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