Thanks to the hard work of Kieran and Kees, it is now possible to create games for the BBC computer with MPAGD. That means that the tool now supports several formats: ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, BBC, Dragon 32/64, Acorn Atom, Enterprise and Timex TC2048. Editors are already in for the MSX and that platform is not far from being added as a compiler option. Watch this space!
The Spectrum compiler now has a debugger option enabling the user to BREAK his or her game in the main loop, step through a frame at a time and see what values are in the variables and sprite parameters. The editors have been improved after a number of requests from users and there are a few other fixes here and there.
The download for the new version is here.
We've also hit a new milestone; the total downloads for MPAGD have now caught and passed the number of downloads for AGD. Thank you everybody!