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1.            Name of Club

The Club shall be named “Douglas Curling Club”

2.            Affiliation

The Club shall be affiliated to and shall conform to all rules and regulations of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club.     

3.            Management

At the Annual General Meeting there shall be appointed for two years; a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Match Secretary.  Six other members appointed by the meeting shall constitute the Council of Management.  The members of the Council will hold office for two years and will be eligible for re-election.  Four members of the Council shall form a quorum, but must include any one of the following:- The President, Vice President, Secretary.  The Offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined at the will of the club.

4.            Powers of the Council

The Council shall, subject to the above rules and to any remits or directions made at the Annual General Meeting or any Special Meeting, have the Administrative and executive control and Management of the club.  The Council shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring in any office between Annual General Meetings.

5.            Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March / April each year.  Seven days notice of the meeting shall be given to all members of the Club.  Twelve members shall form a quorum.  At each Annual General Meeting, the following reports shall be submitted:- 1. The President’s Report, 2. The Secretary’s Report, 3. The Treasurer’s Report, 4. Match Secretary’s Report.

6.            Special General Meetings

Special General Meetings may be called by the President or the Secretary.  They may also be called by a letter to the Secretary signed by not fewer than six members of the club.  The Secretary shall give fourteen days notice of such meetings.  Twelve members shall form a quorum.

7.            Election of Officials

The officials of the Club shall be elected by a majority vote.  In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

8.            Appointments

The number of skips shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.  An Auditor also shall be appointed.  Two representative members to the Royal Caledonian Curling Club and the Provinces shall be appointed.  Honorary Members and Life Members may also be appointed.

9.            Financial Year

The Financial Year will end on 1st March.

10.          Subscriptions

The amount of the Annual Subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting after reports by the Secretary and the Treasurer have been submitted, and shall be due on a date fixed at that time.  Players whose subscriptions are unpaid by the said date will not be eligible to play in Competitions.

11.          Rules

All rules, regulations and bye-laws adopted by the Club shall be binding on all members until rescinded or altered at an Annual General Meeting of the Club, provided that intimation of the proposed alterations be made to the Secretary in writing in time to permit  his giving members eight days notice of the meeting, and provided that such alteration is supported by two-thirds of the members present.

12.          Disqualification

Any members not conforming to the rules or guilty of conduct prejudicial to the Club shall be reported to the Council, who shall have powers of reprimand.

13.          Protests

Protests must be made to the Skip and thereafter to the Club Council for decision.


  1. To be played for annually by regular members of the Douglas Curling Club according to Royal Caledonian Curling Club Rules, as amended by the Douglas Curling Club Constitution and Rules.
  2. To be competed for towards the end of the season by preference after the completion of the league programme.  The finals to be played before the Annual Supper.
  3. The game should be started at the time indicated.
  4. Where any team has only three players at the start, the team takes a three-shot penalty.
  5. Defaulting skip(s) to mark scoreboard when the game starts indicating a three-shot penalty.
  6. 4th player may join the game on arrival; three-shot penalty stands.
  7. Games to be played on the knock-out principle.
  8. The draw to be made prior to the first game.
  9. The duration of each game shall be ten ends or the bell whichever comes first.
  10. In the event of a tie, then ends shall be counted and if still a tie, then one swept stone from each rink will be played by a member of these rinks nominated by the Skip.  The stone within the rings and nearest to the tee will be deemed the winner. Rinks knocked out in the first round will qualify for the Douglasdale Trophy, which will be played on the same principle.
  11. Any dispute to be settled by the Council whose decision will be final.
  12. Substitutes:-

Should no regular member/ reserves be available then players knocked out in previous rounds can be admitted to play lead.


  1. To be competed for annually by Skips and rinks appointed by the Douglas Curling Club.  i.e. Regular and associated members.
  2. This competition to be played during the season, by preference to be completed before the Earl of Home Cup.
  3. Each rink to play the others at least once during the season.  Two points will be awarded for a win.  One point will be awarded for a drawn game.  In event of a tie at the end of the competition shots up will be counted.
  4. Skips will endeavour to keep the same rink throughout the competition but substitutes will be permitted to any position not higher than the absentee.  In extreme circumstances, three members will constitute a rink.  If less than three members the game will be conceded by defaulting rink and five shots awarded.
  5. Duration:  Each game will be played to the bell.
  6. Any dispute to be settled by the Council whose decision is final.


  1. To be played for annually by regular members of the Douglas Curling Club according to Royal Caledonian Curling Club Rules.
  2. To be played throughout the season the final before the Annual Supper.
  3. Members wishing to participate in this competition to hand their names to the Secretary prior to a date fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The draw for pairs will be by ballot.
  5. The competition will be on knockout principle.
  6. The duration of each game will be decided by the Council (depending on the allocation of ice).  In the event of a tie then ends shall be counted and if still a tie, then one swept stone from each rink will be played by a member of these rinks nominated by the Skip.  The stone within the rings and nearest to the tee will be deemed the winner.
  7. Each pair must be ready for prompt play.
  8. Any dispute to be settled by the Council whose decision will be final.


  1. To be competed for annually by Skips and rinks appointed by the Douglas Curling Club i.e. regular and associated members. This to be a progressive competition to be played during the season by preference to be completed before the Earl of Home Cup.  In the case of a tie, the ends will be counted.
  2. Skips will endeavour to keep the same rink throughout the competition but substitution will be permitted to any position not higher than the absentee.
  3. Duration – each game will be played to the bell.
  4. Any dispute to be settled by the Council whose decision will be final.


  1. Scoring – the total number of shots scored will determine the winner and in the event of a tie the number of ends won will determine the winner.
  2. Five ends will constitute a game and each player will skip one of these games in the rotation drawn at the start of the competition.  Should one player be absent then the same rotation of players will be followed, and any substitute during the competition will follow rotation of the missing player.

Amended Rules and Constitution agreed and accepted by Douglas Curling Club at the Autumn General Meeting held on 11th September 2009.


Derek Hair


Page Last Updated - 10/09/2019
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